Sunday, August 21, 2022

Ecola Sate Park and Cannon Beach

In many ways, I'm a minimalist at heart.  While we haven't gotten there in practice, in theory I'd love to have an uncluttered minimalist home.  But when it comes to photos, I'm all about the excess. I make no apologies.  This is me.

Family Photos!  What better place to snap a family picture than Wheeler, Oregon.

Grateful to have found the sun, we pulled off at this overlook to peer down into the mists below.

Moving on, we headed to Ecola State Park.  It was shrouded in fog when we arrived, but we decided to venture out anyway.  "Caution: steep and narrow Trail.  Experienced hikers only."  Good thing we're from Utah and well-seasoned.

Arriving at the beach, it didn't look that much different from where we came from.  Feeling optimistic, I promised to work my mist magic.

Sure enough, the haze gradually started to lift.

Feeling the Ecola Beach smiles.  The best part about hiking to a secluded beach is you essentially have the place to yourself.

First we were able to see the contours of the surrounding rocks.  Then we started to make out colors.  By the end, we could even see all the birds perched atop!

With the sun in place, it was time for another family photo.  I think it turned out pretty great for an impromptu shoot.  In my opinion, everyone looks great in nature.

The adorable Millcreek Wheelers.  I kind of like the couple holding hands in the background.  I feel like a place like this brings out all the best vibes.

Feeling the love, I wanted to recreate the engagement photo Jason and I took where I was on his back.

Before long, the craziness had spread.  Best memory of the trip!

Lance and Justin join the action.  Amazing!  Just wish I had time to post the videos, but you can imagine.

Debriefing the family fun and taking a few more photos.

Annika was thrilled to find a sand dollar.

Ecola State Park is one of my favorite places ever.  I was a little nervous going back, wondering if it could live up to the incredible memory of our last visit.  This gem surpassed all expectations.

For dinner, we dined on Fish 'N Chips in Cannon Bach.  I'll eat with this cutie any day!

Oregon in a signpost.

On our way out, we took the scenic route by Haystack Rock.  The magic swept us in.  Before we knew it, we were searching for a parking spot so that we could enjoy the sunset.

Great choice.

Talia sandwich.

Life with two older sisters.  We love you, Eli!

It sometimes feels like you have to flip the world upside down to make a family vacation happen.  Totally worth it for the memories.

1 comment:

Susie said...

Ah, such beautiful fun memories and pictures! Thanks for sharing!