J'adore les fleurs. Ich liebe Blumen. Me encantan las flores.
It doesn't matter what language you use, I love flowers. Every spring it makes me so dang happy to see their bright colors dotting the landscape. I smile as they sleepily poke their heads through the snow, gently nudging winter on its way.
So please forgive me as I indulge and post far too many photos of my favorite flowers (naturally accompanied by my favorite people.) Here we are at the Capitol on a Sunday afternoon during the height of cherry blossoms. The place may look empty, but that's an illusion. It was packed!
We met up with Ruby, Brianna, Justin, and our friend Melanie.
Everyone enjoyed decorating Brooklyn's hair.
I often take it for granted, but I love living so close to the Capitol.
I also love living close to the temple, even if it is under construction (and will be for a
long while yet.) It's so crazy to see the excavation of the foundation. Look at where the stairs come out. Hard to believe that was ground level!
More flowers of course. Mas y mas.
Brianna seems to be enjoying them, as does Ruby..
Noch mehr Blumen! Even more flowers. These lovely gardens were at Thanksgiving Point. We headed down to the tulip festival with Grandma Hansen, Charles, Susie, Aunt Julie, Brianna, cousin Tonya, and Tonya's daughter Ivy. Even though it was a bit early for some of the flowers, it was still a beautiful display.
Plus, it's always special to spend time with Grandma Hansen.
Wheeler Women Three.
Grandma Susie and Tonya have a lot in common with their robust piano studios.
Grandpa Charles was in his element explaining all of the different plant varieties to Grandma Hansen.
Brianna takes a moment to enjoy the fragrance.
This flower was my favorite. The entire tree was bare except for this one blossom. Sometime's it's okay to be different.
Oops, I lied. My very favorite flowers are those that grow in our own yard. Perennial bulbs have been a revelation. I do nothing and yet the next season these beauties magically appear.
There's nothing quite as comforting as home, sweet home.
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