Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Brooklyn's Suzuki Book 1 Script

Brooklyn wrote the following script for Talia's Book 1 Suzuki Violin Recital. It was so darling that I wanted to both save and share it. My children never cease to amaze me with their sensitivity and creativity. Thank you!

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Talia. Talia loved spending time outside. One summer, her parents decided to have the family spend the night outside on the trampoline in their backyard. As she lay in her sleeping bag she searched the sky for the first sign of stars. The moon was bright, but soon she saw a little speck of light in the midnight sky. As she watched it slowly grow brighter, she was reminded of her favorite nursery rhyme, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

A couple weeks later, Talia drove out to New York with her family. They went to a lake upstate called Lake George. One day, Talia and her cousins took a canoe out to a little island in the middle of the lake. Soon the sun began to set and they had to "Lightly Row" back to the house.

In a flash summer vacation was almost over. During the last weekend of the break, Talia's family went to Wyoming for a family vacation. They hiked to the top of a mountain. The leaves were beginning to turn red, orange, and yellow, and when she reached the summit it seemed liked she could almost hear the "Song of the Wind" whistling through the trees.

Before she knew it, it was already Thanksgiving. Aunts, Uncles, and cousins gathered at Talia's grandparent's house in Logan. Before their big dinner, Talia's mom told her to gather everyone at the table. Talia got almost everybody to come but complained to her mom that Aunt Rhody refused to. Her mom sent her back with instructions to "Go Tell Aunt Rhody" that they were eating turkey for dinner, not goose.

Soon it was Christmas, and Talia played an angel in the traditional Nativity reenactment. She enjoyed wearing fake wings, but her favorite part was singing "O Come, Little Children" in the angel choir.

When Christmas break ended, Talia settled back into the school routine. By February, she was getting tired of gray days, slushy sidewalks, and endless homework assignments. When she thought winter would never end, she hummed "May Song" to herself in anticipation of school finally ending.

Winter dragged on, but eventually Talia began to see the first signs of spring. Sprouts started to peek up from the quickly melting snow, and trees started growing new leaves after the bare branches of winter. Talia spent her days outside. It seemed like it had been so "Long, Long Ago" that she had seen the sun.

Talia enjoyed running but was a little out of shape from the long break since the previous summer. On her first run with her dad, she was dragging her feet a bit so her dad told her to hurry up. She responded, "I'm going as 'Allegro' as I can"!

Now that spring was here, Talia was busier than she had ever been before. Between homework, practicing piano and violin, playing Ultimate Frisbee, and participating  in the school play, Talia's schedule was jam-packed and it seemed like she was in "Perpetual Motion".

While Talia usually ran at a pretty “Allegro” pace, sometimes when she was running up the hill near her house it was definitely more of an “Allegretto”. For all of us not so well versed in musical vocabulary, that’s a bit slower, more like a jog.

 Talia’s younger sister Annie loved horses, so after her first music lesson, where she learned that “Andantino” meant a little bit faster than a walk, kind of like a trot, she rode around the house on her imaginary horse chanting “Andantino! Andantino! Andantino!”.

Well, Talia practiced so much that sometimes her siblings got tired of hearing the same song over and over again. Once, Annie got so annoyed that she pulled some attitude and stole Talia’s bow so she couldn’t practice her “Etude” even one more time.

Talia had always wanted to learn how to dance, so one evening she asked her dad to teach her how to waltz. Her dad agreed, showing her how to dance in a square until she could Waltz perfectly to "Minuet number 1".

Of all things Talia disliked, cleaning her room was pretty high up on the list, so one Saturday when her mom called up the stairs and asked her to complete the dreaded task, Talia called down, "In a 'Minuet' or 2" and went to practice violin instead.

Talia looks about as tired of playing Minuets as I am of coming up with things to say about them, so I think we'll go right ahead with "Minuet number 3".

One weekend during the summer, Talia went to stay with her grandma and grandpa. She spent a few days in the garden with her grandma, weeding and caring for her plants. One sunny afternoon, Talia told her grandma that the garden was like a little farm. Her grandma laughed, saying, "That would make me 'The Happy Farmer'!"

Well, we've been here for a while and Talia's looking a little tired. We've "Gavotte" to finish up so Talia can do a little happy dance.

The End.

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