Thursday, March 07, 2019

Thawing Winter with Warm Memories

Even though it's March 7th, winter seems in no hurry to move on.  Here in Salt Lake we are expecting snow all day tomorrow, Adam recently sent a video of flakes falling in Washington (again!), and school was cancelled today for my mom in Omaha because the city is snowed in once more.  According to my folks, this is the worst Nebraska winter they can remember, and that's saying something.

And so, may I share a couple of old photos I found as reassurance that some day, warm weather will indeed arrive.

These photos of my littles with their Papa Kay make my heart melt.  The time went too darn fast.

Lessons to be learned: never waste an opportunity to roast a s'more or be with a child.  These are the moments that make life rich.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A terrific backyard memory! My, little Annika fit so lightly on my knee! Thanks for the promise of Spring.