Monday, March 25, 2019

Jason's Favorite Things

Happy, happy birthday Jason!  So, it'd be totally awesome if I had a post prepared that talks all about how amazing you are (and you ARE.)   But since it'd take all day to put that much outstanding into words, how about I just share some pictures of your favorite things instead.  After all, we need to save time to celebrate.

Ginny.  Fresh Powder.  It's kind of a toss-up as to which Jason likes better this season--the house or the snow.  Truth to be told, all of the house projects have been put on hold until ski season is over, but I'm sure they will come back to the forefront soon enough.

Our Kids.  Yup, they are pretty cute, especially when celebrating the first snow day in literally decades.

Here they are again sledding.  Just for the record, we haven't divorced Brooklyn from the family.  She just doesn't spend as much time playing in the snow as she used to.

Sledding right in our front yard.

And again up at Lindsey Gardens.

Thawing out at home.

Cycling.  Believe it or not, Jason bikes into work on even the snowiest of days.  The man's crazy!

Of course, there weren't very many cars on the road.  Easy to see why.

Studio Class.  Jason's been teaching a studio class as adjunct faculty the U of U since January and loves it.  Here are some of his students presenting their midterm projects, all created out of concrete.  I have a particular fondness for this project that mimics Settlers of Catan.

Here are all the projects on display. Nicely done!

Sketching.  And being cheeky.  Here we are playing a game where you have to draw a phrase.  Things stayed on course until Jason decided to call the electric outlet by its official name.  

Poor Brianna got stuck trying to sketch a duplex receptacle!

Last but not least, skiing.  As you can see, we've had plenty of snow up at Brighton.  Upwards of 550 inches this season.

This isn't Jason, although if his daring trajectory continues, someday it might be.

If skiing is good and family is good, combining them is best of all.

For my Peanut Butter, it just doesn't get any better.  Happy Birthday, love!


Anonymous said...

Jason is also one of my favorite people, who happens to be married to my favorite first child. 🤠

Susie said...

You are mighty awesome, Jason! Thanks for the compilation of pictures and words of your amazing husband. And he’s so lucky to have such an amazing wife!