Thursday, May 31, 2018

April Montage--Part 1

I am without a doubt procrasti-blogging.  It's May 31st and the kids want me to bring out their summer clothes.  Such unreasonable munchkins, I know.  For me, going through the clothes bins is the worst.  I'd rather go to the dentist...almost.  It's not that bad, but nearly.  

So in that spirit of tardiness, here are some photos of our gang celebrating April Fools a week late.  Thought we'd be eating out of dog bowls on the first?  Boy did we trick you.

Reese's Puffs taste great any day of the year.

The weather in April tried to fool us occasionally.

Fortunately, most of the days were sunny and filled with flowers.  The kids wanted me to take a photo of these daffodils smooching on Temple Square.

Annika is so excited to have Ruby close by in Salt Lake.  Sometimes very close by.

Our second-grade Eli.

Talia (5th) and Brooklyn (7th).  I have to post these pictures quickly before they all bump up a grade next week.  (Sniff, sniff.)

I sure love this crowd.

Brianna and I, enjoying the tulips...

....and enjoying our daughters.

A family photo of the C Street Wheelers.

I can't help it.  These brilliant colors make me so happy!

Hey big kids...

It's pretty cool that you occasionally perform on the top floor of that building to the left there.  I imagine that some day you will talk to your own children and grandchildren about your experiences there.

As for Annika, she's happiest just studying the ants.

Inspired by Temple Square, we planted a few bulbs in our own front yard.  Can't say it quite compares.

On the upside, we have the cutest fishy around.

Come night time she's never lonely.

Just to be clear, this photo is not posed.

Susie nailed it with this cartoon.

And now, time to face the bins.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Springtime Cousin Retreat in Washington

There are many days when I question why in the world I bother with this blog.  Keeping it up is So. Much. Work.  Fortunately, there are rare moments when my efforts seem validated.  Like this week when I was able to remind Jason where we went rappelling in South Dakota (Palisades State Park) or where we hiked through a giant rock tunnel (Tonto Natural Bridge, Arizona).  Thumbing through the old blog books, I recalled so many precious moments that otherwise would have been forgotten.  I was reminded of the richness of our lives, how blessed we are.  And thus, this blog shall slog on.

Speaking of marvelous, rich experiences, in mid-April Annika and I flew to Washington to see the Wilhoit family in their new home.  Here are Jason and Annie saying goodbye in the airport. Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Flying with Annika was delightful.  At five, she is old enough to entertain herself, yet young enough that the experience is new and exciting.  Plus, she made a new friend in the airport.

Annika made everyone around her smile with her excited commentary about our travel.  I can still hear her tiny high-pitched voice as it squealed, "We're going up.  We're flying!  We're FLYING!!!"  It's easy to forget what a miracle air travel is until you relive it through the eyes of a child.

The best part about flying into Seattle is the view of Mount Rainier as you land.

On second thought, the VERY best part of flying into Seattle is cousin time.  Eila and Annika were so happy to be reunited.

We went straight from the airport to a fantastic park on the water for some tasty grub and playtime.

At fourteen months, Anders Rhys is positively the cutest.

I have proof.

As you can see from the photos, Adam and Callie's new Edgewood home is gorgeous.  Plenty of seating, yet Eila and Annie still prefer to share a seat.

Not only is there a mini trampoline in the family room, but they have playdoh...

...and their very own ball pit.

Truth to be told, I don't think Annie would care if they lived in a cardboard box as long as Zoe was still there to love.

On Saturday morning we headed into Tacoma, arriving just in time to see the daffodil parade.

Only in Washington are the marching bands equipped with raincoats.  Go Sumner!

Too bad the music was a bit loud for Eila's taste.

Anders didn't seem to mind.

Our eventual destination was the Washington State History Museum for their Toytopia exhibit.  What a fun journey down memory lane!

Check out the blog comments section for some back story about this balloon.  Annie had a white one that she tossed into the high security section of the train exhibit.  No embarrassing drama there!

W is for Wilhoit, Wheeler, and Washington.

To top off the fun, we went for a family swim at the YMCA and found these cute bugs hanging out in the locker room.

On Monday we ventured into Olympia to visit the Hands On Children's Museum.  I've been to my fair share of children's museums, but this one is by far my favorite.  Where else does your pretend supermarket sell salmon, mussels, lobster, and oysters?

Of course, Annika gravitated to every stuffed animal around.

Anders was happy just chilling.

Once outside, Annika and Eila worked hard to clean the boat.

These matching munchkins melt my heart.

Annika demonstrated an astonishing/annoying amount of persistance/stubborness when she insisted on biking up this mini hill all on her own.  Refusing even the slightest push, it took her at least fifteen minutes to crest the summit but she made it eventually--thank heavens.

We don't encourage open flames indoors, but this little campfire was too cute to resist.

Our own little Prometheus.

Eila is a natural on the stage, serenading with gusto, just like her mama.

We discovered this gem minutes before it was time to leave.  Definitely worth another visit on another day.

One quick twirl around the harbor before heading back home.  The girls were happy to crawl in the double stroller.

As for me, I was delighted to snuggle this handsome dude.

Back at home, a sporty surprise awaited.  Annika got to take Eila's new Tesla for its first spin.

Anders has already mastered driving in reverse.

The most amusing driver award goes to Callie.  We needed the jaws of death to pry her out of the vehicle, but it was worth it.

After all that excitement, the couch was a welcome break.

Zoe would assure you that keeping the couch company all day is hard work too.

On our final day, we hit the Tacoma Children's Museum after Plan A fell through.

The kids liked the museum and LOVED the crepes we ate after.

Last but not least, we took a brief walk along the shore.  Annika was over the moon about touching "whale water" and talks about this time on the beach as the highlight of her trip.

Alas, even the loveliest days pass.  Before we knew it, we were headed back home.  Callie, Adam, Eila, Anders, and Zoe, thank you for making us so welcome! Your state is lovely, your home is lovely, but you guys are the loveliest of all.  We miss you and can't wait to see you again.
Love you all!