Monday, October 23, 2017

What Love Looks Like--Closet Remodel

While the kids and I hung out in Omaha for a second week, Jason and his parents were mighty busy in Salt Lake.  The most AMAZING thing happened!  They managed to get my dresser up into our bedroom by hoisting it up through the second story window.  #alternativeusesforclimbingropes

I can't begin to tell you how happy it makes me to have my socks in my own bedroom, rather than having to run down to the basement to fetch them every morning.  Jason, Charles, Susie, Justin--thank you!

But wait!  The fun doesn't end there.  They began the process of remodeling our tiny closet that scarcely fit a hanger.

The framing of the old closet with the outline of where our new closet now stands.

All framed!  Jason now considers himself a closet expert, having reworked closets in St. George (two), Omaha, and Salt Lake.

Give him a drill, and this amazing man can accomplish anything.

Ta da! (Just kidding.  I'll post the real "after" pics once they are downloaded.)

The only downside to the project is that lots of bugs got in the house as Jason worked late nights with the windows open.  Poor Annika's face got eaten alive! She didn't mind too much since, after all, they are her bug "friends."

Apparently our home is haven to critters of other sorts too.  Jason caught this cute little guy (gal?) in a spider glue trap, of all places.  With a bit of patience, he managed to delicately get him/her unstuck.

Live free, little mouse, live free!
Salt Lake is a beautiful place to be.

***Addendum.  As promised, here is a photo of the finished closet. 
Amazing, Jason! Thank you again, love.


Anonymous said...

Salt Lake is a beautiful city — and life certainly is better anywhere when you can fit your clothes in dressers and closets that accompany your bedroom. Nice work and an even nicer story. Keep Smiling!

Jason said...

Couldn't say on the gender... I didn't think to check while extricating the poor thing from the glue.