In the wee hours of the morning on the fourth, we wound our way up Kolob canyon to the very north side of Zion National Park. With Callie and Adam as hiking companions, we then trekked the fifteen mile West Rim Trail across the park. Aren't these Wilhoits adorable?
Jason and I loved having some time together as well. (And just in case you are curious, no, we are NOT expecting. Looking at this picture, however, almost makes me forgive the stranger at church for asking.)
Happily on our journey with Adam in the lead.
Adam realizes that fifteen miles is a long way.
Which way from here?
Good thing Jason has his compass. Cowboy and navigator rolled in one--what more could a gal want?
Catching up with my sister--life doesn't get any better!
Rolling back the sands of time eight years to the lovely days of hand-holding.
Quoting my t-shirt: "Let's Hug it Out!" Special in meaning, the shirt features Peanut Butter and Jelly, the code words Jason and I inscribed on our wedding rings.
"We're so happy on our little piece of bread."
The views along the West Rim were absolutely incredible looking down into the canyons. Even though it was a busy holiday weekend, we saw only a handful of people during our entire journey. (At least until we joined up with the trail to Angel's Landing, at which point we were bombarded with tourists.)
Being familiar with the shuttle in Zion and its accompanying trails, it was easy to feel like we "knew" the park. Hiking this trail humbled me and helped me realize how very much more there is to explore.
When life seems rough, remember these trees. If they can hang on, so can we!
Kiwi Callie, acting quite chipper despite tweaking her ankle.
Adam looks ready to break into song. "The hills are alive!"
Good thing there are trail markers to show us where our feet should go!
Jason, Adam, and Callie take a very careful peek at what's on the other side.
Goodness gracious, we were sure glad to be hiking down the trail instead of up!
Just don't slip, it's a LONG fall!
After some serious switch-backing down Walter's Wiggles, we finally made it to the Grotto where we caught a shuttle back to Springdale. My Dad, who'd been watching our munchkins all day, met us there and drove us back to the trailhead to pick up our car.
Here are the hikers once more at Lava Point Overlook.
And another picture with our cute girls. We were delighted to see them again, and loved sharing the fireworks together later in the evening.
And last of all, a photo with Papa Kay. We will forever be indebted to this miracle man who made our hike possible by watching the little 'uns.
Thanks and Happy Fourth of July!
24,14 Kilometer - Wow ... you are fit! I admired your pictures and I am always happy that you share them here - they are beautiful!!!
An anonymous source informed me that tending Buttermilk, Reddi Wip, and Cheese Stick was as wonderful (and exhausting) as hiking the Western Rim. However, it is amazing what "no mess" coloring crayons, on-sale rice-krispy treats, a McDonald's Playland with plenty of McNuggets and ice cream, as well as an I-Max movie can do to help a hot summer day run smoothly until it is time to pick up Mom and Dad. I also received plenty of free advice from a 6 and 4 year old. All is well that ends well. ... And I "almost" persuaded another McDonald's grand parent that Eli's diaper change was a shared responsibility! Keep Smiling!
Great pictures, man I love Zion's park!
So fun for you all.
Oh, this sounds like fun! Ben read your post and said "best day ever? Really?" He's boulverse by your legs of steel!
After doing a couple of 'long' hikes (for us) over the past week - including dipping our toes into the Grand Canyon - I read this and realize just how little I know about hiking. FIFTEEN MILES! Oh, but wait, you are the same one who runs marathons. That's right. Fifteen miles is nothing for you, huh? (Actually, I do know better - that is still a long way to go either up or down!)
We did take a minute and drive up Kolob Canyon while at the Shakespeare Festival and I told Brent I really want to come back and do some of the hikes. This convinces me even more - there is some beautiful country out there that is only accessible by foot! Great photos!
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