Here's Grandpa Charles helping Eli at the park. Our Easy E absolutely adores slides!
Of course, he also loves snuggles from Grandma. This babe recruits cuddles from everyone! And just in case you're not volunteering, he leans his head closer and closer until you finally do.
Oh, the joys of swinging! Brooklyn loves flying high now that she's mastered the technique. She also likes teaching her friends to pump by transforming between a bench and a rocket.
Talia thrives on the feel of green grass, especially beneath her bare toes.
Of course, this grassy lawn is extra special as part of the Logan Temple grounds. Here's the famed bench where Jason proposed 8 1/2 years ago. It was a fairy-tale moment with Christmas lights, soft music, roses, and the man of my dreams.
Whimsical as the moment was, I scarcely could have imagined how quickly this very same bench would be occupied by a precocious 6 1/2 year old daughter,..
a spunky 4 1/2 year old daughter,..
and an adorable 20 month old son! ) (Pretty soon we're gonna need a bigger bench!
Some precious sisterly moments.
Our visit to the Logan Temple was particularly meaningful because Grandpa Charles is the head groundskeeper there. While the grounds have become increasingly beautiful over the past decades under his leadership and supervision, the temple gardens seemed prettier than ever this spring. Isn't this tucked-away path precious?
As Talia stooped to admire the tulips, I felt grateful that her underwear was at least color-coordinated.
As Grandma Susie went to set Eli down for a photo shoot, the gleam in his eye let us know that he had something else in mind.
Putting his hand on her leg, he made it quite clear that he wanted her to stay near.
And, just in case we had any questions, he leaned in for a hug and a snuggle so she'd stay close by. Oh, it feels so good to be loved!
At last, one blue-eyed cheese for the camera.
Gazing up at the Logan Temple from the front. Eight years ago this month, Jason and I were sealed in Logan--a sealing which connects us to our children eternally, just as it connects us to my grandparents who were married there generations earlier.
Despite the misty rain on our wedding day, I didn't think there could ever be anything prettier than the tulips.
Of course, that was before I had munchkins to embellish the flowers.
Eli and Susie enjoy a quiet moment of peace.
Meanwhile, Talia perfects the art of mischief.
Our bank accounts may not be padded, but spending an afternoon at the temple with family makes us feel positively rich.
Before leaving, we even got to meet the temple kitty. (Okay, it technically lives across the street, but this spiritually-minded feline likes to hang out with the patrons.)
Pure delight!
Hand-in-hand, it was a beautiful day!
Of course, Grandma's house is always full of more delights, such as dress-up clothes, piano time, and freshly baked cookies. Thanks to the lovely spring weather, the girls added dandelion bouquets to the fun.
Picking flowers was the perfect Sunday activity before heading to church in the married student ward where Grandpa Charles is currently serving as bishop*. (*In the LDS church, each local congregation is presided over by a bishop who volunteers his time since there is no paid clergy.)
Thankfully the kids realized that the gorgeous yellow flowers in the front yard were just for looking.
Hanging out on the front porch. If you zoom in, you can see the sidewalk chalk figure that Brooklyn drew straight down the step.
After coming back from a run one morning, I discovered a sign on the front door that made me smile. It's great to be loved by your kids, and lovely to run with your spouse! Jason and I shared a marvelous 14 mile jaunt up Smithfield Canyon where we enjoyed the budding spring flowers, waterfalls, and rushing stream. Just in time too, since the next day the water started rushing right over the road.
Here are Brooklyn and Talia, flying over to the neighbors' homes to play with there animals.
We saw bunnies...
another kitty...
and even some baby goats!
The goats belong to Dave Suisse, who trains them to carry his gear while he backpacks. Jason has many fond memories of backpacking with the Suisses.
When choosing between goats and children, please remember that goats will haul your loot, whereas children will make you haul theirs. Either choice will constantly nibble and insist on being fed.
Here's to many more happy weekends with Grandma and Grandpa!
What a wonderful way to spend a sleepless night, playing around in Logan via your delightful pictures!
Wish I could have been there in person, but believe me - those great pictures were a second best! Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful places, beautiful flowers, beautiful animals, and beautiful family.
Loving you from afar - thanks so much for posting!
It sounds like a nice trip. Thank you for sharing your memories. And those are such beautiful pictures.
WOW!! You make me positively miss Logan and especially the beautiful temple there. You are right, the ground are even more beautiful than they were almost 6 years ago when Bruce and I were married there. Eli is so stinking cute. I miss his snuggles.
What a delightful weekend! Love the temple grounds, love the kids! Thanks for including us on your trip. And those girls make the blue dresses, which were already gorgeous, even all that more pretty. Can't wait to see you all again!
Wow, these are such beautiful, beautiful BEAUTIFUL pictures! The flowers, and the Temple and the kids so happy- they all look like they come out of a magazine. What a great weekend!
I loved the post! It makes me slightly homesick which doesn't happen very often! Miss you guys!
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