I wish had time to post all of the pictures now, but since I only have a moment, I'll just share one of my favorites:
In case you are wondering, those are Talia's feet, dyed red by the St. George dirt. Speaking of Talia, her preschool teacher shared a cute story with me today. Apparently Talia asked her, "Do you go to church?" When her teacher replied that she didn't, Talia told her, "Well, you should. Because Jesus LOVES you!" Her teacher smiled for the rest of the day.
I know there are times when we all get worn out and wonder why drag our families to church every Sunday. Duty? Obligation? A chance to socialize? Fear of punishment? I suppose it's better to be there for these reasons than not at all. But once again, I've learned wisdom from my babes. Love is surely the purest motivator. And how wonderful that this love is returned!
What an awesome picture! Thanks for sharing. And I love the teacher story. What a doll!
Wow! One could write a whole book from just that one picture! And Talia - I always knew you had a beautiful face, now I know you even have beautiful feet!
Love it!
This is so cute and it makes me ache for my Mommy to live close so my children can get to know their kin better. What a wonderful blessing and I love those red feet!
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