Our family celebrated Grandma Hansen's 99th birthday on Saturday, November 2nd. On Sunday, November 3rd Jason was released as bishop. (I blogged about it here.) In many ways, the timing of Jason's release was a blessing. We never imagined what the following couple of months would bring--thank heavens. Sometimes it's better not to know in advance the trials that life has in store. We might never get out of bed! Still, now that we are three months out I can also say that Jason really misses being bishop, particularly all the time spent with the youth. It feels strange to have him home on Wednesday evenings. Being a bishop's family was hard at times, but it also came with tender blessings. If I'm completely honest, there are times when I miss this intimate connection with the ward too.
This batch of photos includes Jason's final activities with the youth, starting with a late September trip up the Bear Lake. While there they got to visit both the Paris tabernacle and Brigham City Temple. I may not love all of church architecture, but these buildings are beautiful.
Annika wasn't old enough to go inside the temple, so Jason stayed outside with her on the lovely temple grounds.
Here are the youth hanging out. I love how they are such good friends!
Tara, Magnus, and Shige.
Bear Lake love. From left to right, Jason, Shige, Ben, Tak, Magnus, Eli, Emi, Sharon, Hana, and Tara. Front row: Annika, Theo, Jeff, Clive, and Owen. Talia didn't make it because it the trip conflicted with Homecoming.

Owen and Jeff. Jeff's sure grown since he and Annika used to go to preschool together!
Looking great there, Owen! Owen's Dad, Eric Buell, is now our bishop and doing a fantastic job too.
Occasionally the youth gather on Sunday nights to watch The Chosen.
I wasn't there, but this might be my idea of heaven.
More celebrations at Tara's house. No idea what was going on here, but looks like it was fun. :)
Jason amor, you are not pictured in a single one of these photos. While always there, you were behind the scenes documenting all the love and growth. The ward may have a new bishop, but the strength of the youth program lives on. You helped foster an amazing environment where everyone felt loved, included, and important. These youth love spending time together, and together they are becoming disciples of Christ. They set great examples for the rest of us about how to love. Thanks for leading the way! We love you.
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