Thanksgiving in May. It could become a thing, right? After all, I like pie any time. We kicked off the holiday with ice skating at the Sports Complex. Nice work, Anders. Eila and Annika did a great job cruising as well. As for Daddy Jason, well, he didn't join. Ice skating is NOT his favorite sport. Just ask his sore ankle.
That evening we all gathered with NomiAnn and Papa Kay at an AirBnB in Saratoga Springs. While a bit of a splurge, it was great to have a space where we could all be together. We are so thankful to NomiAnn and Papa Kay for driving all the way out to Utah so we could celebrate together.
When it comes to unusual gadgets and drinks, Papa Kay never disappoints. Mint milk, anyone?
The little kids were in seventh heaven with an entire chest of dress-up clothes to enjoy.

On Thursday morning, Talia, Callie, and I headed out for an informal Turkey Trot.
Imagine our surprise when we discovered that our route dumped us off in the middle of an actual half marathon! Always up for adventure, we decided to join the "real" runners for the final miles.
Well done, girls! Plus, all thanks to Papa Kay for picking us up at the finish. While 4.5 miles was perfect, nine would have been a bit much.
Nothing like a game of Pie Face to entertain while the turkey roasts.
Callie knows how to dress for the occasion.
Of course, our raspberry Brooklyn seems to be getting into the true spirit of pie day.
Looks like blueberry Eila is ready to take on raspberry Eli.
Wait! Now Adam and Anders are facing off. These berries are getting out of control.
Back indoors, Annika helped NomiAnn make some lovely table decorations.
Looks like another Turkey Head has joined the crowd. Thanks for sharing this meal with us, Zizheng!
At last the feast is all prepared! Just looking at the rolls makes me excited for Thanksgiving to come again.
While I admit that big meals occasionally stress me out, they are a hundred percent worth the effort. I am SO grateful for the way food brings family and friends together.
Playroom aftermath.
Best break for an afternoon walk before pie.
Last but not least, a few rousing rounds of Poetry for Neanderthals.
The next day it was off to Thanksgiving Point to discover the Museum of Natural Curiosity. Fun for all ages!
Callie's pretty talented at hanging like a sloth.
Laser lights and jazz hands.
Behold the Floating Heads.
You're never too old to fly a plane.
On to the water works for Adam and Anders.
Eila creates some window art.
Back at the house, Talia practiced the art of violin while getting some exercise on the treadmill. That's some mega-multitasking! Also, note the HUNDREDS of medals. The owner of the AirBnB must be a veritable race addict.
As the Senior snugglebug of our group, Zoe wasn't running any races, but was still plenty happy to lick your plate clean.
So Callie, what are you getting all bundled up for?
Nothing less exciting than a game of Fugitive, of course! With the exception of the driver, everyone got blindfolded as we drove around in circles. We were then dropped off in pairs at random spots and were supposed to make our way back to the house before Jason caught us. Exciting moments include Adam tackling Jason so that Eli could make a clean sprint for it. We also confirmed that Callie and I are HOPELESS with directions. We literally walked for miles while headed the wrong way.
The next morning we checked out of the AirBnB, but not before getting some great family pictures in the T-shirts NomiAnn gifted us. Gotta love a cousin pyramid!
Here are the grownups joining in the fun. We didn't make NomiAnn and Papa Kay climb on the pile...this time. After all, someone had to take care of Zoe! (Not to mention, Anders needed a lift up to his perch.)
Sunday, November 27th was a particularly special day of gratitude. Eila Kay was baptized by her Grandpa Kay LeGrand.
Brooklyn and Talia provided some of the interlude music.
Papa Kay, Eila, and proud parents Callie and Adam.
Sweet Eila, your kindness and bright smile inspire us all! Thank you for your beautiful example in following Jesus Christ.
Between family, friends, food, and faith, we have so much to be grateful for not only at Thanksgiving, but all year round.
1 comment:
Great memories of a great Thanksgiving weekend!
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