Party! There's not time like the holidays for getting together to consume copious amounts of sugar. Here are the youth making chocolates with the Shepherd family. Best place to be, right?
Adding a few cards to the mix.
You know a chocolatier is skilled when they make their own fillings Apparently this recipe has been handed down through the generations.
Eli, Hazel, and Alisi all hard at work.
Here we have Chase, Ben, Ken, Berkley, and a couple other blonde troublemakers that like to hang out in my basement.
Sonja joins in the fun. Perfect for an artist!
Jane, Sharon, and the back of Claire's head. Ntohing better than a chocolate party to bring people together. :)
Next activity: caroling with the stake. The Christmas lights are my favorite.
Adding to the holiday cheer with a white elephant gift exchange at the Breinholt home. Their place is just adorable!
Sharon and Hazel.
Uh oh! Looks like Brooklyn is about to get robbed.
Best entertainment around. Feeling pretty lucky to have Peter Breinholt living just down the street,
Jason couldn't have been more thrilled with his gift. Benny, yours is a face to remember!
Next party adventure: the ward Christmas breakfast. You know the photo booth will be stellar when AnnMarie is on the job.
Annika and her friend Aven.
Here's Annika confessing all her Christmas secrets to Santa.
This one is particularly tender.
As fantastic as these church celebrations are, they can't call dibs on all the fun. Here's ASSIST's annual Open House and holiday celebration.
Jen put together an incredible spread!
Brooklyn was so impressed that she invited all her friends to come over and join the celebration. They preferred the messy back room as their special place to hang out.
Later in the month ASSIST turned into a gourmet restaurant as Zizheng led the crew in creating some pretty fantastic Hot Pot. Rather wish I'd been there!
Fantastic shrooms! The spread looks truly delicious.
Parties at church, parties at work, but the very best parties are the celebrations with family. So what's the special occasion?
Our favorite Violet turned one year old!

This little gal is the gem of the family! (Right along with soeur Ruby, of course.)
Only fitting that hers should be a Violet-themed party.
First cake.
Whatever this is, it's really tasty!
Uh oh, a little too much excitement. Plus, NOT a fan of the hat.
Happy birthday, sweet Violet! We hope you keep us partying through the century.
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