Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Hello Halloween

Okay, so I'm going to be honest.  Blogging Halloween on March 28th feels totally LAME.  But what can I say?  We've had a lot going on.

All Hallows Eve: it's still fun, but the holiday definitely changes as your kids get older and busier.  I'd be fibbing if I didn't confess to feeling worn out by trying to make it special year after year.  Annika was the only one who had time to accompany me to Mabey's pumpkin patch.

Another true confession.  Getting to hang with Annika feels more special than it used to.  If nothing else, her "medical event" has helped me better appreciate our time together. 

Coming up with Halloween costumes can be one of the most daunting parts of October for me.  Great news, though!  Our neighbor Anne Vinsel had us covered.  An artist, she created this cardboard duck and was thrilled to convert it into a costume for Annie.

It's hard to imagine a more perfect ensemble for our animal-lovin' babe.

Looking stylish in her webbed feet.

Quack quack!  (Although personally, I think the bird looks more like a swan.)

Looking sharp in her school parade.

That evening Anders and Eila joined us for the Wasatch school carnival.  Anders makes a pretty awesome T-rex!

Lovin' on the puppies.

Saying hello to our neighbors Monkey, Puppy...

...and Banana.

Here's Annika's teacher Mr. Mitchell in the dunk booth.  It was a chilly day, so I was totally impressed by what a great sport he was!

All in all, we had a roarin' good time.

Other events: BOOtanical Gardens  with the Girl Scouts.

Playing Frisbee at the Halloween Hat Tourney.  Run Talia Dorothy Run!

Best of all was NomiAnn and Papa Kay coming to visit.  Here we are hanging out at the Gateway.

So Jack Sparrow and Aladdin walked into a bar...

...and found an astronaut in the Planetarium.

Never at a shortage for costumes, here is Anders the Bumblebee at his ward Halloween celebration.  Nothing like cupcakes to make the day great!

Papa Kay helped pass out candy for the Trunk-or-Treat.

Eila is a stunning forest fairy.  Plus, don't miss the Fairy Godmother in the background!

The best thing about Callie and Adam's home is that it is literally across the street from Frankenstein's lab.  Don't worry.  Frankenstein is even larger than he looks.  

Final stop at the Wheeler home for chili, cinnamon rolls, and pumpkin carving.

When it comes to emptying pumpkin guts, it's all hands on deck.

And there it is!  Halloween 2022.  At least I got it posted before Easter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Halloween memories Milkweed! Although it was a while ago ... it makes the memories even stronger. Keep smiling and thank you for finding time to post and do the near impossible with your schedule.