In recent years, Memorial Day Camping has typically occurred the week after Memorial Day. Not only can you avoid the crowds, but the kids are done with school, making the trip a real vacation.
This year we met Papa Kay in Durango, Colorado. NomiAnn was off adventuring with a group of students in Europe, so even though we missed her, we decided to have some adventures of our own. Here we are enjoying shaved ice along the way in Helper, Utah.
Our family is SO spoiled. When we pulled into our campsite around 10:00 pm, Papa Kay had camp all set up and dinner waiting. All we had to do was add our tent and sleeping bags. Camping would be way more popular if everyone had the same luxury. We felt so loved.
Most of us slept well that first night, but poor Jason ended up getting up at 4:00 am to do some drafting. I found him in the car four hours later, diligently working with the cooler doubling as a mouse pad. #thearchitectslife
Meeting our guide, Grumpy Ben. Turns out Grumpy Ben wasn't that grumpy after all, but I think Papa Kay enjoyed the salute to orneriness.
For lunch we pulled over to a riverbank and trekked up to Serious Texas BBQ for some eats. The restaurant had beautiful views of the Lower Animas river.
Tasty food too!
According to Annika, her favorite part of the rafting trip was the mac 'n cheese.
Papa Kay brought some beautiful stepping stones for the kids to paint. Brooklyn designed his one.
Papa Kay treated our family to the adventure, even splurging on the open gondola car where we could gaze out. It was a fantastic experience!
Thanks, Papa Kay!
45 miles to Silverton. The train ride each direction takes about three hours as you wind your way up the mountain pass.
Pretty cool summer job for the young and retired alike.
In case you are wondering why Annika is so dirty, she got covered in sap while playing in the pine trees near our campground, and the sticky stuff refused to come off.
The scenery was captivating! Everyone loved it, but Annika seemed particularly spellbound. At one point I looked over and everyone else was either crocheting, napping,or reading while she was still standing up watching nature fly past.
Happy smiles for all.
This guy was a riot! He followed us for the entire route, popping out of his SUV a dozen times, usually sporting a different flag or costume. By the end of the journey, the entire train would break out into raucous cheers every time we turned a corner and found him waiting.
Annika even took a picture with him at journey's end.
Okay, so there are SO many gorgeous pictures that I'm just going to start dumping. Part of me knows I should be more selective, but with such stunning vistas it's hard to know which pics to cut.
We stopped a few times to let off steam and refill the water tanks. This pump station is no longer operational, but still super cool!
Breaking up the scenery with a few people pics.
At last, Silverton! Once the train arrived we made a beeline to the Handlebar Restaurant. Papa Kay had done his research and found us a fantastic place to eat.
No one minds waiting a few minutes when you have adorable dogs to keep you company.
Not only was the food great, but the chicken pot pie came with a handlebar mustache imprint. That's not something you find every day.
Annika contemplates whether this restroom is for her.
Back to Durango at last.
Before heading home, we headed over Fort Lewis College for some Frisbee Golf. What a fun course!
Sadly, we had to break camp the next morning. Papa Kay and Annie made great roommates. This picture also makes me slightly uncomfortable since I'm 99% sure Annika had COVID then, but Papa K somehow made it out unscathed.
Last but not least, the amazingly scenic drive home through Ouray.
Hooray for Ouray, the Switzerland of America. Not quite as fantastic as vacationing in Europe, but pretty dang close.

Papa Kay, thanks so much again for the memorable post-Memorial Day Camping trip! I can't wait to see what adventure 2023 brings. :)
1 comment:
We did have such a great time in and around Durango and Silverton. The raft trip day, followed by the narrow guage train ride, really supplied us perfect memory building opportunities. For the record, Cathy Ann would have loved to be with us to. Instead, she was helping to supervise a group of Central High Students visiting important WWII sites in Europe. Hopefully, she will join us next year.
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