Friday, January 21, 2022

Thanksgiving 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!  (Quite late, I know.)  It hasn't even been two months, but it already feels like a distant memory.  However, this turkey on a backhoe makes me laugh just as much as it ever did.  I love our neighborhood!

We made the most of our Avenues neighborhood by hosting the Wheeler Thanksgiving this year.  I was a bit nervous about how we were going to squeeze so many people into our tiny kitchen and dining space, but we made it work.

True to tradition, we started off Thanksgiving day with a Wheeler Wobble from Memory Grove, up to the Capitol, and back.  There were even stairs for those who wanted a short-cut.

Eli was my running pal.  I was super proud of him for tackling the whole route, even when it was very tempting to take the shortcut back.

Along the way, we ran into another Turkey Trot waiting to start.  I liked ours better--not only was it free, but we didn't have to wait around in the freezing cold for it to begin.

Coming into the home stretch.

Treats at the finish--well-done, Wheelers!

With so many chefs in the house, we ended up with an amazing Thanksgiving spread.  Extra bonus: I didn't have to cook that much.  We felt particularly grateful that the turkey was cooked since the electricity to the roaster unexpectedly turned off.  Old houses are always an adventure!

In case you are wondering why we didn't dine at the roomier Millcreek Wheeler home, well, they were expecting a new arrival any day!  Baby Bob, however, had other plans in mind.  Far from arriving early, she decided to hang out for a couple weeks after Thanksgiving.

Maybe she thought the food was so tasty that she didn't want to leave.

Half the group dined on Relief Society chairs in the front room...

..while the rest of us squeezed in the dining room.

The more the merrier, right Ruby?

Nothing like a pickup game of frisbee to work up an appetite for pie.

Go, Christy, go!

Talia's coming in for the D.

Can't forget our annual piñata bashing.

Ruby's taking out two at once!

Brooklyn really got into the demolition of the butterflies.  Maybe we should add "ninja" to her list of future career options,

Back at home, we didn´t see a whole lot of Ruby and Annika because they spent so much time playing dress-up upstairs.  Someone needs to explain to Annika that you don't have to wear all the costumes at once.

As for the bigger kids, they enjoyed an epic game night with Uncle Justin.

And Lance, well, the poor guy spent the entire day finishing up finals.  We're not going to feel too bad for him though, since his pinched time-frame was to accommodate his flight to Mexico.

Plus, he got to enjoy pie.  All the pies.

Yup, a Wheeler Thanksgiving is always delicious!  Thanks to everyone for joining us in our cozy home.

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