Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Fifteen with the Flu

Look out world!  Here she comes.  In mid-November, our Talia Lily turned 15.  She skipped school long enough to go to the DMV and get her driver's permit.  In so many ways, this exemplifies Talia's zeal for life.  She is always ready to seize whatever opportunity comes her way and roll with it.  

To celebrate Talia's special day, we began the morning with Monkey Bread.

Unfortunately, by the time she got home from school things started to turn south. I knew something was up when she didn't feel up for a walk through the neighborhood.

Sure enough, she spiked a fever and our big birthday outing became a trip to get rapid tested.

The test came back negative, but the poor girl didn't even feel up to opening birthday presents or eating cake.  The only reason she rallied is because her siblings were so excited to see her open her gifts.  Brooklyn made Talia this amazing Hooked on Yarn "H" in her ceramics class.

Nicely done, Buttermilk.

It goes so well with Talia's Etsy logo!

In case you are wondering, Talia's crochet shop is busy as ever.  In fact, yesterday she shut down her Etsy site for a little while so that she can have time to catch up on an enormous order.  Here are a few recent favorites.  

This llama is so amazingly intricate that I think Talia will keep it for herself rather than putting it up for sale. 

As for the cake, well, cheesecake tastes better the day after anyway.  By the way, I'm not really sure how Annika conned someone into letting her light a "9" candle prematurely.

Talia, this bedridden birthday certainly was not the quinceañera we wished for you, sweet girl.  The good news is that by starting at the bottom, the year will only get better.  Right?  Right?  (Said with a trace of irony as the whole family is home doing remote school today because Covid is so rampant.)

We couldn't be more proud of you and your enthusiasm for life, Reddi Wip!.  We admire your focus, dedication, and eagerness to try new things.  Talia is a renaissance woman who not only dabbles but delves into everything.  For example, she both creates beautiful music from her violin and beautiful violins from her books.
Other loves:  ASL (she signed in church last Sunday), Spanish (she's preparing for an AP exam this spring), drama (she recently auditioned for As You Like It and got a role with three ballads), guitar (since she has to accompany herself for those ballads), skiing, frisbee, doing the splits, and a recent fixation with juggling.

Can't wait to see what interests come next!  Happy birthday, Talia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Reddi Wip:
-You are such a blessing. I so much admire how you are developing your talents and interests. You are preparing for a first rate life of goodness and usefulness. Keep it up and keep smiling!