Sunday, August 08, 2021

Backpacking Lake Catherine

Among life's sweetest blessings are my girls' friends.  Talia and Brooklyn have been blessed with a circle of friends that are kind, creative, smart, and bring out the best in one another.  Here's Talia's good friend Beyah.  At the end of June, we backpacked to Lake Catherine together during a fun moms and daughters overnight.

Starting at Brighton, we first packed up to Lake Mary.  In my opinion, this is the most beautiful of the Brighton lakes.  Just don't forget the mosquito repellent!

Beyah's mom Jamie is an amazing art teacher at West, so my kids usually call her Ms. Delfin.  Here she is skillfully managing two packs after her younger daughter Ina tuckered out.  During our hike, it was amazing to discover how much our families have in common, sharing a love of the outdoors, the arts, and travel.

Plus, playing telestration with an art teacher is a hoot.

The view from our campsite at Lake Catherine.

Perfect place for a hammock!  In my opinion, the pack in was perfect--about 2.2 miles each way.  Long enough to be a bit challenging, but short enough for an overnight.

We were awoken REALLY early in the morning by a private plane buzzing directly overhead.  It must have been stunning flying into the sunrise, but gosh-golly-gee-whillikers, it scared the living daylights out of me.  Here's the picture I took from the tent after.

If you need fresh water, we found the cutest little grotto that looked like a fairy garden.

Since both Beyah and Talia play Ultimate, frisbee was naturally part of the day's entertainment.

Hiking up to Sunrise Peak.

From up above, you can see Lakes Mary, Martha, and Catherine.  Gosh, I love the mountains!

A couple more snapshots and selfies.

Alas, all good things must come to an end.  Here we are packing out.

I love camping with my husband and definitely missed his help lighting the stove (yes, I tried to set the mountain on fire.)  Still, I think it's good for our daughters to see that women are strong.  We can be independent and backpack on our own as well.

Thanks Jamie, for making this fun adventure happen!  We'll have to plan another one soon.

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