Okay, so that was an epic fail. (The blogging every day from my cell phone while on vacation thing.) Bet no one saw that coming.
The good news is that we made it all the way to New York and back to Omaha. The trip was a-MA-zing, mostly because the people are so amazing. (Thank you Wells clan!) But let's face it--it was also a bit exhausting. So much so that I'm going to pause a bit before blogging about it and switch to catch-up phase instead. Because really, who wants to talk about the end of the school year when the next one has already begun?
Woods Cross Elementary. Eli had a great fifth grade year with Ms. Callahan, supplemented by SEM with Ms. McNair. He especially loved competing in District-wide Math and Science Olympiads with his friend Alex. Alex and Eli competed in Soma cubes, logic grid puzzles, rockets, and circuits.
They were super pumped about their silver in circuits.
On the last day of school, our Woods Cross carpool celebrated with some yummy Dairy Queen treats and playtime at Creekside park.
Eli and Clarissa. For Clarissa, a sixth grader, this was her very last day of elementary school.
Now for our second graders, Annika and Jefferson, both in Ms. Bolinder's class. I will miss hearing this crew chatter!
Here's Annika again at her year-end Brownie celebration. We feel so fortunate to have a great troop with caring leaders, Amanda and Jessica.
This was a big year for our Talia Lily as well, who graduated 8th grade from the Extended Learning Program at West High. This girl is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.
Talia and a few friends worked so hard to create a lovely art show to celebrate their classmates. Middle school is never easy, but these kids conquered middle school dominated by a pandemic. Well-done!
Talia has amazing friends! From left to right, we have Clara, Danyn, Beyah, and Talia. There girls are so supportive of one another--and creative too!

Congratulations all ye Wheeler munchkins on thriving during the craziest year! Enjoy the last weeks of summer because like it or not, school is right around the corner.
1 comment:
Congratulations! You all did very well wrapping up a challenging school year so successfully!!
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