A little bit of this, a little bit of that...
Can anybody name the musical? If you guessed Fiddler on the Roof, you are my new favorite. Fiddler was the first musical I sang in during high school, and in my opinion, it's one of the very best.
Life around here has definitely been a little bit of this and that.
Annika has been losing teeth like crazy. Look closely and I'm pretty certain braces are in her future. Eli just got an expander (phase 1 of orthodontic treatment), and Brooklyn recently got her teeth scanned for invisalign. Talia got a new retainer because one of her front teeth was sliding down. If that doesn't work, she could end up back in braces as well. All in all, we are trying hard to put our orthodontist, Dr. Goldsberry's kids through college.
November 2nd was election day. I was so tense about all of the political nastiness that I intentionally escaped to someplace remote to avoid watching the polls. My retreat? Frary Peak, the highest point on Antelope Island out in the middle of the Great Salt Lake. If you ever need a get-away for solitude and a higher perspective, this is a great choice.

Plus, bison.
Ultimately, I'm grateful Joe Biden pulled off a victory. At least in his campaign speeches, he emphasized his desire to respect and represent all Americans, no matter who you voted for. After years in an antithetical political clime, I'm grateful for this glimmer of hope.
I pray that somehow our nation can heal from the divisiveness of these past years. We need to move forward together. We also need Mr. Trump to grow up and concede the presidency. His refusal to acknowledge election results is an arrogant undermining of democracy. His behavior doesn't surprise me, but it still disappoints me.
On a happier note, after many months of waiting, Jason got a new iPhone 12. It takes great pictures!
Other happy thoughts: cereal! If I let the supply dwindle, Jason will take matters into his own hands. (The kids love it when this happens; the selection is always sweeter than when I shop.)
Nothings says "fall" like a giant leaf pile...
...or a bike ride with my Easy E.
Our mild fall weather couldn't last forever. With snow imminent, we headed up to Silver lake for our last hike of the season.

You can see the ice already starting to form. Presumably it's all frozen over by now. Brighton ski resort opens tomorrow.
A snowy school day
I've always thought our neighborhood looks like a snow globe after a fresh snowfall.
I expected the whole world to turn white, but the damp snow brought out the color in this sycamore...
...and Talia's coat.
As of late, the kids and I have been participating in Sunday services remotely because Covid case counts are so high. As bishop, Jason attends in person. At first, it was a bit surreal sitting on the couch watching the broadcast of him speaking at the pulpit. It was eerily reminiscent of General Conference. Fun, as long as it is not portentous.
Our stake is a bit unique in that we have been holding in-person sacrament meetings since the beginning of June. All are invited, but attendance is usually around 40. On this snowy Sunday, we trekked down to the chapel because I was speaking about overcoming adversity and hope. If nothing else, 2020 unites us in the challenges we are facing together while apart.
Like most of the U.S., Utah sure has its challenges. About a week ago, we spiked to 4000 new daily coronavirus cases. I remember when I panicked back in June because we surpassed 300.
Governor Herbert has declared a state of emergency, creating a state-wide mask mandate and limiting social gatherings to immediate household members. The hope is this will help contain the pandemic a bit before Thanksgiving. Either way, I'm gearing up for a long, hard winter.
Here's Talia's crocheted version of keeping us all safe.
Perfect for juggling as well.
Some days, the only way I keep my anxiety in check is through long walks in the foothills.
Jason didn't find this as hilarious as I did. True blue Cougar fan or not, it's best not to bite the hand that feeds you.
Speaking of biting, the Cheetah looks pretty ferocious.
In this picture, we have a couple of Private Eyes working to solve a library ghost mystery.
This crew brings so much joy. Here we are enjoying a special dinner that Brooklyn prepared for her Girl Scout Journey. To create a healthy, environmentally-responsible meal, she focused on butternut squash from Grandpa Charles's garden. Can't get more local than that!
Meanwhile, Talia has been characteristically busy with her art. (The blue-light glasses are meant to counteract all the screen time.)
Love this bird.
She also knits with toothpicks. Doesn't everyone?
As for Annika, her latest crafts center around balloon animals like this unicorn. Tonight she also made a balloon dragon and an ocelot.

While Annika likes to play hard, she does not like to go to bed. Periodically I will find her in the strangest places in the morning.
Sweet dreams, world! May the "this" and "that" of your lives include the joy of dolphins and mermaid tails.
1 comment:
Yet another delightful glimpse into your SLC family life Kara. I too like "Fiddler on the Roof; however, if you ever post about the song "Sunrise, Sunset" I'll need to check whether I'm in this life or the next [smile].
We are also very concerned about the nationwide Covid-19 surge ... So much so that our planned in-person Thanksgiving gathering with you, and the Wilhoit's, was reluctantly canceled. I'm heartsick, sad and frustrated, but also have an inner peace about this unselfish decision. Please know that we would much prefer to gather together and that we love you all so much. We will try to connect digitally and make the best of it. There is no doubt that we still have many, many blessings to count. I simply did not feel good about taking unnecessary risks that might end up doing major damage. We want to do our part to "crush the curve," stay safe, and respect our already overwhelmed health care personnel.
Keep Smiling!
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