Friday, February 21, 2014

RSBC Week 3: Zucchini Brownies

The challenge: cocoa and squash. I had dreams of something fantastically innovative, like Mexican Red Mole served over butternut squash--yum!

Instead, life happened. Here's a quick run-through of the day.

8:40 am - Drop big girls off at school.
9:00 am - Squeeze in a quick bike ride at the YMCA.
10:00 am - Show up for Music Makers playgroup all hot and sweaty, despite the fact that it is blizzarding outside.
11:30 am - Come home for lunch, naps, and chores. Shovel the driveway.
1:00 pm - Authorize the realtor to verify the new house is empty instead of doing it myself since driving conditions are poor.
2:00 pm - Close on the new house.
3:00 pm - Take Jason to the optometrist.
3:30 pm - Pick up my newly repaired wedding ring.
4:00 pm - Pick up the big girls from school and drive them to their new home.
4:30 pm - Shovel the new driveway and start cleaning the rather disgusting kitchen.
6:00 pm - Bring a dessert to the International Dinner at Crestridge Elementary
7:30 pm - Come home, nurse the baby, and kiss the rest of the munchkins good night.
8:30 pm - Choir Practice for the Heartland Women's Chamber Chorus. Lots of Moms with young kids in the group, so late evenings is the only rehearsal time that works.

Whew!  With this schedule in mind, I swapped fancy for effective when it came to culinary choices.  Two forgotten zucchini in the back of the fridge were transformed into Zucchini Brownies for the international dinner, thanks to a little help from

Judging by the impressive rate at which these little gems disappeared, I'm guessing they were rather tasty.  I might have to make some more: they seem the perfect house warming gift.  :)

RSBC Totals:

Biking: 84 miles
Running: 19 miles
Swimming: 1.9 miles


Anonymous said...

Terrific photo of Eli staring at the brownies. Congratulations on being the owners of a beautiful new home as well!

Callie said...

Congrats on the new house! Can't wait to come see it in person. Stay warm amidst your blizzards :)

Erin said...

You are inspiring. Now all my excuses have holes in them:)

Jason said...

LOVE the picture -- You've always been a wonderful writer, and it seems my 6 month absence in NY has truly honed your photography skills!

Brittney Richards said...

Wow!! What a busy day. Good luck on the new house, that is exciting. We will definitely have to come visit you sometime.