And so, here are a few photos to memorialize the ordeal. To start off, here's a "before" pic of our washed-out side yard once the flooding died down.
A snapshot of the next two days' labor: dig, heft, repeat.
Our new blue pipe in its new red home.
Anybody seen a giant gopher?
Eli and I didn't do much but occasionally offer a few words of encouragement.
But Talia celebrated with Jason afterward by jumping on our new trampoline. Squee!
Thanks for the fantastic present, NomiAnn and Papa Kay. :)
If you're happy to be done digging, jump for joy!
Other great news: handy-man Jason was able to fix the washing machine last night, so I'm now five loads closer to being caught up on laundry. As for the mini-van, well, it's still in the shop. Meanwhile, we're diggin' down into life here at home.
1 comment:
Why all the bad things seem to happen at the same time is beyond me. Great job of digging (literally) in and pulling yourselves through it. So glad to hear you have flushing toilets and running showers again! Oh, and that trampoline just looks way fun!
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