Well, to be completely honest, we are a bit sad right now, too. While we may have pasted on our happy faces as we left Illinois, the truth is that leaving was bittersweet.
It's been especially tough to leave good friends.
It's perhaps true that genuine friendship can be measured by those willing to load your junk into a 26' moving van, even when your paths are separating. To the special friends who helped us move, thank you.
Bruce and Brittney, Settlers of Catan just isn't the same without you!
It's also sad to move farther away from some family members.
Justin and Brianna, we've loved sharing the Midwest with you. Thank you both so much for your tremendous help moving, as well as the great memories of less stressful moments shared.
Happy as we are to be building a new home here, our hearts still long for the friends and family we left behind in the plains. We miss U.
Very clever posting ... "We miss U" ... since the "U" is missing from the title. I realize I'm leading with my chin now (and am easy to fool) ... but why does your alphabet sequence go "MON" instead of "MNO"? (Actually, as an anonymous poster I'll let you in on a secret, "I'm partial to the letter K." As anyone who walks down the cereal aisle knows, "K" is "special." Also, don't forget, "Every kiss begins with Kay...") -Bye, Bye
Judging by the picture of the loaded van ... you still have room for more things to buy in the future :) Thank you for sharing your life with us :)
Well, Anonymous, it looks like I need to go back to kindergarten myself. Keep smiling! :)
You are missed here! Thanks for coming to visit before you left, and sorry we couldn't be around to help pack (a hospital stay was the only thing that could keep us away!).
Anonymous, you sound like someone I know who lives along I-80 between Utah and Illinois. He is a pretty special guy.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz 2
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