Here's Jason, making his way across the stage of Foellinger Auditorium.
The handsome grad, searching for his family.
A proud hug from Mom.
We tried so hard to get a decent picture of us as a family, but without great success. Still, we thought you might be entertained by watching us try.
When juggling the realities of life, sometimes it's all you can do to laugh and hope you don't drop the baby.
Grandma Susie certainly found our antics to be entertaining. :)
Five years ago we swapped the beautiful mountains of Utah for the prairies of Illinois.
We were such babies!
(Even with a babe of our own in our arms.)
Well, the tiny pink girl has certainly grown.
But at least we still have a blue-eyed babe to don the mortarboard cap.
Now if only we could preview a photo shoot five years from now. :)
Congratulations Jason! I know Aunt Susie is SOOOO very proud of you!
Love Nichole Hansen Gaertner
Great pictures of a very important success! Congratulations, Jason and Kara. This has definitely been a team effort. Now, think somewhere in the west ... somewhere in the west... somewhere in the west... for a job. (I know, you'll go where you can get the job... funny how that works.)
Congradulations both of you! Loved all the pictures. What a cute family!
Wonderful! The photos and the accompanying context are terrific. Life happens one day at a time, but big milestones like graduations allow us to stop and reflect. I don't recommend glimpsing at life 5 years into the future though (not that it is very possible even if you try). Instead, keep setting goals, dream, enjoy your young family, do your very best, keep smiling, and "Trust in the Lord ..."
Fun to see the pictures. I think we got a successful shot of your family. Thanks for posting the two graduation shots, the reminiscing, and the comparison of Brooklyn then and now. It WILL be interesting to see what the next five years bring. Congrats to all of you!
I wondered why the graduation pictures were taking so long. Congratulations!
Fun pictures. And fun to look backwards and forwards. Congratulations on your wonderful accomplishments as a family. Truly it is a family event when parents graduate!
Wow! You were just babies! You both look so young. That baby Brooklyn was a doll. You guys are so cute.
Jason looks very architectural in one of those pics. Just in case the architect gig doesn't work out, one of my attendings this past week graduated in architecture, got bored, and ended up a facial plastic surgeon...
The camera is safe! Hooray! And graduation round 2 is complete. You guys are the best Illini couple ever.
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