Well, judging by the pictures I had taken yesterday, Brooklyn was right. Our family is quite excited to welcome a new addition this September.
Even more, I am rather thrilled that Brooklyn's prayer was granted when she prayed yesterday that there would only be one baby in Mommy's belly. (With both of my previous pregnancies I felt great during the first trimester, but this time around has been tougher, making me a bit nervous that I was in for a double dose of fun.)
While her prayer may have been answered, I think Brooklyn's probably still in for a bit of disappointment. She explained that she only wanted one baby so that my belly wouldn't get too huge. If past experience serves as any predictor, she's likely to think there's a whole army in there before this ordeal is over... I may have to hire a crane to hoist me up to the third floor, lift me out of our tub, and get me out of our 6 inch bed in the morning. :)
Baby Wheeler! So cute! How in the world did she notice 5 weeks ago?
Very exciting! I still remember our conversation on the playground about when we both might have our next ones. Here is to two more little Jason babies!
Woohoo! Here's to having babies! That is excellent news. Hope the queasies aren't too bad...
Congratulations from me and Chris. :) That's wonderful!
Yeah, so exciting.
So fun to see it's profile! Looks just like your family :) We are excited!!!!
Congratulations you guys! How exciting.
Congrats! Will this be a US baby or a foreign one?
I am so happy for you! Congratulations!
... but you are a bit early :)
... I was not thinking to hear about this good news before next month (maybe April or May the earliest)
... so that you will finally have a January baby - because we January people are just awesome.
Will it be October or November ... or am I totally off?
Congrats! We'll be excited to see you when you get back!
Hey! I didn't know we were riding the pregnant boat together...congrats!
Congratulations! Did Brooklyn really notice you were pregnant before you did?
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