This year the Wheeler family gathered in Torrey, Utah for our annual summer get-together. Due to everyone's busy summer travel schedules, we postponed our reunion until Labor Day weekend. On the way out, we stopped off in Teasdale to see this awesome solar obelisk that Jason designed. If you peer through the tube at night, it points to the North Star. It also functions as a great sundial/jungle gym.
We arrived in Torrey just as the sun was setting. Susie had found this fantastic triangle cabin that not only house us all comfortably, but also had gorgeous views.
Plus, who doesn't love a ping pong table? Here we have Eli, Ruby, and Annika playing with Lance's partner Austin. This was Austin's first time joining us for a Wheeler family summer reunion. He indulged our chaos remarkably well, and we loved getting to spend time with him.
The kids were particularly thrilled that Austin brought his VR.
Back outside, we gathered to enjoy the sunset. Here we have Ben, Jason, and Brianna, followed by Austin.
Only challenge is deciding on peach, mixed berry, or apple. We solved the problem by answering "all of the above."
After purchasing pies we set out on a hike up to Cassidy Arch via the Grand Wash.
A pleasant "Peace Out" from Lance.
Brianna and I are enjoying the scene as our youngsters scramble through the rocks.
Annika may not love hiking, but she sure loves the outdoors when we get there!
Eli looks super happy as well.
At last, Cassidy Arch. Pretty spectacular! I just noticed how it matches the scenery on Eli's T-shirt.
Justin and Co., followed by Jason.

Wrapping up the day with some firepit s'mores.
I never expected to find such a cool climbing rock! This one reminds me of a hippogriff or a giant pigeon.
The petrified wood was pretty cool too.
Here we are at the Behunin Cabin. This one-room structure housed a couple and their thirteen children, albeit only for a year. At least the surroundings were beautiful for sending the kids outside to play.
Plus, goats! If you look carefully, you can see both Mama and her kid here.
We like these kids too.
The conclusion of another gorgeous day in Torrey.
The only thing to make it better is grilled steak and asparagus a la Austin and Lance. Amazing! They are both great chefs, but apparently Austin is the grillmeister.
Bidding farewell to the sun.
After getting back, we all went for a final rendez-vous to Panorama Point.
From up top, we could see the river carving its way through the park. Having heard how amazing the trail, we were tempted to venture on the six mile hike through Sulphur Creek but decided it would take too long. Next time!
Thanks to all for such a fun family reunion! It bridges the gap until we meet again.
Perhaps we'll name this one Isosceles.
Afterward, we headed into Capitol Reef to see some petroglyphs and work on the kids' Junior Ranger program.
We also hiked a bit through Grand Wash. Completely flat with plenty of stone hideouts, this hike was a favorite of Annika and Ruby.
Christy made a gorgeous loaf of sourdough bread that was large enough to be a child. Carbohydrate bliss!
On our final morning in Torrey we headed back up Cooks Mesa. This time Jason ran it with Justin while I hiked it with Christy and Susie.
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