Sunday, October 20, 2024

Yearning for Yosemite

  Alrighty then!  If I'm going to keep this blog going, abbreviated is the word.  No matter, it's the pictures that I enjoy most.

Yosemite!  At the end of July, our family and the Wilhoits drove all the way out to California for an epic camping adventure.  Originally the plan was for NomiAnn and Papa Kay to join us, but Papa Kay's lungs weren't quite ready for the high altitude coupled with no CPAP or supplemental oxygen.  We certainly missed them.  After all, we wouldn't have had the chance to camp at Yosemite at all if Papa Kay hadn't reserved the sites months in advance.  Thank you, Papa Kay!  I've wanted to come to Yosemite for years, but it's never worked out.  One year there were wildfires, and another year there was too much snow.  This time we finally made it.

The drive out across Nevada was long and remarkably barren. I think the contrast made the dramatic entrance into Yosemite even more impactful. Here we are traveling across the Tioga Pass.

First time sleeping in our new tent as a family.  It's hard to tell from the photo, but the thing is huge!

Not that we need the space.  Everyone seems to like squeezing in with Mom and Dad anyway.

The next morning we headed out to explore Bridalveil Fall.  We arrived just as the sun was cresting over the horizon.

I think the kids liked this fallen tree just as much.

Next we headed down to Mariposa Grove to see the Giant Sequoias.  I was surprised by how vast an area Yosemite spans.

Our destination was the Grizzly Giant.  Estimated to be around 3000 years old, it is the oldest tree in Yosemite and the 26th largest living sequoia.  

This hollowed sequoia is located nearby.

Testing out some smaller trees.

Someone's getting a bit too lanky for a piggy-back ride.

Best surprise of all--as we made it back to our shuttle stop, we discovered the Wilhoits had just arrived!  Without cell service to coordinate, this was both awesome and unexpected.

Let the party begin!

While the Wilhoits hiked through the sequoias, we went for a wander up Sentinel Dome.  It was quite a hike to get there, especially for Annika, but the views were spectacular.

Talia and Eli hiked from Sentinel Dome over to Glacier Point while Jason and Annika worked their way slowly up to the top.  There were some awesome views of Half Dome along the path.  We tried to get a permit to hike it, but no luck.  Next time!

Annika works up the courage to keep going.  She was in a tough spot where she didn't want to continue but didn't want to turn around and go back either.

She made it!  Look at those smiles.

Our adventurer at heart.

A few pics from Glacier Point.  Looks like a fake photo backdrop!

Our handsome gent, Eli.  Enjoy the picture of the braces--they don't last much longer.

Reuniting with the Wilhoits back at Hodgdon Campground.  The campground was packed--I've never experienced camping where the tents were squeezed in so tightly.  Our sites still worked out well though because our they bumped up against the forest boundary where the little kids could explore and build forts for days.  I think the only reason they ever came back to camp was because of the food.

Annika accidentally tipped backward in her chair and dumped her taco salad all over herself.  It's not every day you sprout lettuce as armpit hair!

Stargazing at night.  Jason's phone takes pretty amazing pics.

Morning light.  Time to tame the tangles.

Next stop: Yosemite Valley to see Yosemite Falls.  Finding parking was a challenge, but we made it.

We stopped for a picnic lunch at Yosemite Falls, and wouldn't you know--I left my phone in the restroom.  I figured it out while we riding the shuttle to our next location, but by the time I made it back it was gone.  Without much to do besides worry, I rejoined the rest of the group as they were wading and playing frisbee at Mirror Lake.  In truth, it looked like the "lake" could use a bit more water.  

More happy moments at the campsite.  The Wilhoits sure know how to make a tasty breakfast.  Chocolate chip pancakes?  

Yes, please!

I feel like camping brings out everyone's inner happy.

A lick of success

Eila and Annika were a bit sad to abandon the fort they'd been creating.

All too soon, it was time to part ways since the Wilhoits needed to get back onto the road.  As much as we wanted to join them on their way out of the park, I needed to get back into Yosemite Valley to look for my phone.

Great news!  We found my phone at the reception desk of a lodge close to the trail where I lost it.  While I was trying not to let the lost phone ruin our trip, I felt SO relieved and grateful to be reunited.  To celebrate, we went and checked out the Ansel Adams museum.  It's easy to understand why Ansel found such inspiration here in Yosemite.  

We actually considered the name Ansel when Eli was born, in honor of Jason's favorite photographer.

Next, we decided to check out the Happy Isles Art and Nature Center.  Annika had planned on doing one of their art classes, but unfortunately she got a terrible migraine instead.

The cool water helped, but not enough to make it go away.

While Annika put her head in my lap to sleep off her migraine, Jason, Talia, and Eli hiked up to Vernal Falls via the John Muir trail.

Pretty amazing!

The Mist trail on the way back down was notable for its many stairs and many people.

Rainbow smiles.

Meanwhile, back at the trailhead Annika woke up from her migraine, vomited per typical post-migraine protocol, and started to feel better.  Hooray!

Before driving back to our campsite, we decided to explore the valley floor little bit more.  I always like the late afternoon hours when the crowds disperse and the park gets quiet.  We found this interesting sculpture showing how high the river has flooded over the past century.

Our attempts at some jumping photos.  We must have been inspired by our blonde photo bomber.

We didn't think we'd stopped that long to practice our leaps, but by the time we finished Annika was GONE, having wandered way ahead.  We ended up splitting up into three different groups to find her.  After we were reunited, we gave thanks for the second major blessing of the day (the first being finding my phone.)  The third great blessing is that we didn't run out of gas on our way back to the camp.  It was definitely close!

On our last day, we drove back along the Tioga Pass and stopped off at Lake Tenaya on the way.  The water was pristine clear!  I'd love to come back with a paddle board and spend the whole day.

Talia, Eli and I hiked around the lake while Annika and Jason stayed to swim and play in the sand.

God knew what he was doing when he created this world.

He even made cute Mermaids.

Thanks for welcoming us, Yosemite!

The drive home was fairly unremarkable, all except for our dinner stop.  There isn't much to recommend Tonopah, Nevada (stay away from the Clown Motel), but the old-time A&W brings back childhood memories of mugs of frosty root beer.

So there it is--another camping adventure.  I'm grateful for tents and vehicles that let us explore this fantastic world.  Thanks again to Papa Kay for making the reservation, and thanks to the Wilhoits for joining the crazy fun.

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