Friday, January 06, 2023

Did I Miss Christmas?

Dec. 28th was an important day for Annika.  One day removed from ECMO, she was ready to get her breathing tube out.  

They leave the breathing tube in post-ECMO to act as extra support for the heart while it gets used to functioning on its own again.  Still, Annika really disliked it, so it was getting harder and harder to distract her from yanking on it.  As you can tell from the video, she was super excited to have it removed.  

The process of extubation isn't particularly fun, but Annika handled it like a champ.  With all the squirming, she somehow managed to yank out her own foley catheter at the same time, fully inflated.  Ouch!  Fortunately she didn't bleed, and well, one less procedure needed.

Seeing Annika's face again was beautiful.  I'd forgotten how much I missed that smile!  Annika's first word was "Water."  This video shows her very next thought.

"Did I miss Christmas?"  Oh my heart!  I can't imagine how it feels to wake up in a strange place with no idea how you got there and discover that Christmas came and went while you were sleeping.

Since that moment, we've reframed completely and talk often about how we are saving Christmas.  If there's one thing you learn in a hospital, it's that Christmas is not the number 25.  So many doctors and nurses celebrate early or late so that they can both help their patients and be with their families.  We are tremendously grateful to all the caregivers who adjusted their holiday plans to be with Annie.  Likewise, saving Christmas has been wonderfully hopeful, giving us all something to look forward to.

You know, being the fourth child, I never got around to finishing Annika's Baby Book.  I'm quite sure that I never recorded her first words.  Now I feel like I get another shot, and frankly, the conversation is way more interesting!  Here are Annika's first phrases post cardiac arrest:  

  • Water, water!
  • Did I miss Christmas?
  • Hop in Bath.  
  • Shower.  
  • Where am I?  
  • How did I get here? (When we asked Annika, she explained that she thought she'd been in a crash.)  
  • Lego set.  (She must have remembered the Lego set that we unwrapped with her on Christmas day.)
  • She's trying to get me in trouble. (This one was hilarious.  She pointed straight at one of the nurses and accused her of tattling after she didn't want to wear her NIRS--these stickers on her forehead that measure oxygen delivery.)  
  • Can you find my retainer?  (Also hilarious.  She's rarely concerned about keeping up with her orthodontic treatment.) 
Now as for Christmas, while I can't point to an exact time, as Annika improves it seems like Santa is getting closer and closer to coming to the Wheeler home.  We are so excited!  We even acquired a cute little wheelchair yesterday to help Annika get around better once she finally makes it back.

Whenever it happens, Annika will be sure to note the date.  Her teacher Mr. Mitchell came to visit and suggested from that now on, we'll have to celebrate Second Christmas.  I have a feeling Second Christmas may always involve stuffies...

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