Thursday, December 24, 2020

A Covey of Covies

A covey of covies our Tally crocheted.
An unusual way to pass the days
of online school that can be a bore.
With yarn in her hand, 'twas less of a chore.

Covies happy, covies sad.

Covies glad and covies bad.

Covies bemused and covies confused.

Here's a masked one just for you.

A pirate covie, and if you ask it
she can even create a covie-filled basket.

The covies delighted, their cuteness unmarred.
Promoted to our Christmas card.

All was well, no reason to fuss
Until, alas, Covid caught us.

Interested in one of Talia's covies?  They're high quality and make great gifts.  Our entrepreneurial gal just opened an Etsy shop.  Here's a link.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Merry Christmas

Unknown said...

Would you be interested in selling a few. I think they are adorable.

Pat Scott

Kara said...

Pat, I'm so glad you like the Covies! My daughter is setting up an Etsy account to sell them--each customizable. I'll post a link here in the next day or two where she's finished.

Kara said...

Here's Talia's Etsy listing:

I'll post a link at the end of the post so that it's a bit easier to pull up.