Two years ago we drove the Oregon coast from the top down. This year we started from the bottom up. Now all that's left is the middle. As much fun as it would have been to drive the entire Oregon coast, we cut up to I-5 at Newport to save time. We planned on stopping in Portland for some handmade ice cream at Salt and Straw per Christy's recommendation. Looking at their menu, I was pretty intrigued by the Buttermilk Pancakes, Bacon & Eggs flavor. Unfortunately downtown Portland was shut down due to protests, plus traffic was at a standstill. Even so, we enjoyed our glimpse of the City of Bridges.
It was bedtime when we finally arrived at the Wilhoits. Come morning, the kids were eager to bounce. I think the fact that both Callie and I have trampolines for our kids shows how much we enjoyed our own tramp growing up.
Lunch time! Three cheers for chicken salad picnics.
Kudos to the gentlemen! They got the sink installed in record time. It works too!
Did I mention the stunning views?
Our short hike was a bite-sized taste that left us excited to come back and explore more.
Alas, all too soon it was time to head back to Salt Lake, but not before saying goodbye to Zoe.

Along the way back we detoured through Thousand Springs State Park, also known as Niagara Springs. It'd be fun to go back and explore this beautiful section of the Snake River a bit more.
Our favorite stop was in Rupert, Idaho to see Great-Grandma Hansen. Annie entertained her with her bow...
Love this pug! Love our cuz!

Callie, Adam, Eila, and Anders, thank you so much for making us so very welcome, especially right before the stress fun of a new school year. We love you guys to the moon...
...and back. Yes, back we drove and drove.