Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Rounding out the New Year

Oh my goodness folks, I am so tired.  

Most of the time I feel like this whole working mom thing is working out okay, but periodically I feel like I'm sinking.  Tonight I feel completely sunk.  It's only 9:07 pm and I've been home for less than an hour, but I'm already hanging out in bed with my favorite flannel jammies.   Thank heavens that we wrote Annika's class Valentines yesterday and that Eli is old enough to finish his own.

Before signing off on the day completely, I'd at least like to post enough pictures to catch up to the new year.  Rewind.  Rewind.  I remember that night, I just might...wait a second, no regrets here!  On December 26th, the entire Wheeler clan went sledding up Logan Canyon at the Sinks .  

I'd tell you it was amazing, but I don't think I need to.  The pictures pretty much say it all.

Somehow we managed to forget Annika's coat.  Fortunately Aunt Christy generously shared her sweater.

Eli catches some air.

Brooklyn basks in the glory of winter.

Thanks so much for the fantastic ending to Christmas, Grandma Susie and Grandpa Charles.  We sure treasure the memories we make together.

Back in Salt Lake, we arrived home to discover plenty more snow in our own front yard.

Inside the house, Annika was excited to introduce her new dolphin, Pink Spring, to the existing pod.

She also reintroduced herself to Spark.

Eli will probably murder me for posting this, but it was just too cute to resist.  You know that your k'nex are good when they are taller than you are.

Jason took on a building project of his own--insulating our back storage room.

It temporarily turned our garage into a disaster, but if the pipes stop freezing it will definitely be worth it.

As nice as it was to be home, we spent plenty of time outside the house during the finals days of 2018.  Skiing at Brighton is a personal favorite, especially when we can include our uncles.

Warming up with some card games in the lodge.

We also checked out the Hogle ZooLights display, courtesy of Justin and Brianna.  The new 3D animals are great!

On the 31st, we hopped over to the Natural History Museum for their noon-year's eve celebration

The new Mayan exhibit, complete with stelas, was also fascinating.

Last but not least, we rounded out the year with fondu and Italian sodas at Brianna and Justin's house. It was the perfect celebration for Wheelers and Stokers alike.

Add in a dance party and really, what more could you ask for?
Happy 2019 world.  Now time for bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, I now know all about delicious Italian sodas. I enjoyed a couple of flavors while watching the Super Bowl (dubbed the Super Bore this year due to low scoring. Also, the wrong team won.) Overall, great fun at the Super Bowl party.