Tuesday, April 03, 2018

February Randomness

Time for a random post.  Ideally it would feature this month, or even last, but February will do.  

Sometimes when Talia practices piano, her playing is so out of this world that a rocket appears right in our living room.

Yup, she's a cutie.  Note that Spark is meeting Quackers in this photo.

Occasionally we will pull out the kiddie pool to make an impromptu playground for Spark.  He's very curious about what is beyond the blue, but never climbs out.

In a special moment where the Cub Scouts crashed the Relief Society, Eli and I got to make marzipan together.

We opted for a hungry caterpillar theme.

The next day we invited Ruby and Brianna over to join in the marzipan fun.

Annika designed an island with a purple snake.

Then, the big kids came home and showed us all up with their fantastic creations.

Speaking of the big kids, the only reason I'm getting any blogging done right now is because they are all at choir rehearsal and Annika fell sound asleep in the car.  Sometimes during their two hour rehearsals Annika and I will head up Millcreek canyon for a stroll instead.

Our first trip up the snowy canyon was so stunning that we came back with Annie's skis.

The empty, gently sloping trail was perfect for learning to stop and turn...

...even if she did occasionally need a push.

On to some artsy fun.  I asked the kids to make us some thank you cards and they turned out beautifully!  These ones are created by Talia...


...and Talia again.  Gorgeous, gals!

Next artist, Mr. Eli, showing off his engineering wizardry during at the library.

Once more photo of our handsome dude at the ice rink.

Last but not least, Valentine's Day.  It's kind of hard to see, but I did manage to give Annika a couple of heart pigtails before preschool.

Goofy glasses are even better than Valentine candy.

This Valentine from our neighbor Elaine Clark was by far our favorite.  Next year I'll be sure to copy.

The Valentine was accompanied by materials to make your very own lava lamp.


No matter how much we love holidays, they can be exhausting, especially when you have an entire burger to eat.  Hang in there, Annika!

On this day of romance, I promise that you're gonna love your bed.

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