Sunday, December 03, 2017

#LightTheWorld at Home

The Christmas season is wonderful, but sometimes it's hard too.  Coming into Christmas, it's easy to get carried away by grand dreams and expectations.  Social media bombards us with cutesy projects, crafts, and treats, all begging to become new traditions.  Elf on the Shelf, Advent Calendars, Secret Santas, 12 Days of Christmas, Angel Trees--the list goes on and on.  I was particularly drawn to the #LightTheWorld campaign that our church is hosting.  I love the idea and was really excited to participate.  Yet instead of feeling inspired, today I found myself cranky and irritable.  Here it was December 3rd, and I'd already failed.  Forget about giving to the needy and providing clean water.  I was completely overwhelmed by getting our house decorated, presents purchased and wrapped, neighbor and teacher gifts figured out, Christmas letters written and mailed.  Our schedule is already jam-packed with holiday concerts, parties, caroling, and service projects.  Toss in Brooklyn's birthday, my new job, and Jason's demanding schedule and I wanted to curl up and cry.   Instead of spending our afternoon listening to holiday music and making cinnamon applesauce ornaments, we were all at each other's throats bickering and hollering.

Finally, just before bed, we gathered together for a family devotional.  Let's keep it real.  Annika was still out of control running around kicking the decorative paper boxes Talia had just made.  Our advent wreath was squashed and missing its candles.  Still, we started a fire, turned on the Christmas tree, and lit an old pumpkin spice candle that never got put away after Thanksgiving.  With lights dimmed, we sang, prayed, shared scriptures, and read a story.  A spirit of love swept away the feelings of contention as we shared stories of answered prayers, told what we liked about one another, and discussed The Living Christ.  In that moment, I realized that for me, #LightTheWorld may mean simply striving harder to be kind to my family.  If the only light I kindle is within my own home, that's okay.  It is enough.


Tanja said...

You are awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Encouraging and fueling a loving light of service, truth and beauty at home is absolutely enough. It is also one of our highest priorities. Bless you! This is a thoughtful post.

Mom said...

You, and your family, do so much on a regular basis to Light the World! What a sweet Sunday evening activity you had that night.