Tuesday, April 21, 2015

If You Give a Boy A Hammer

If you give a Boy a hammer...

...he's going to notice water dripping onto the front room carpet, and rip out the leaky ceiling before the place grows mold.

Gazing into the ancient ceiling will remind him of some necessary electrical work...

...and cause wires to start sprouting like Medusa hair all over the house.  Eli immediately saw the bright side: "It's actually a good idea that you should do this because then I can see how buildings are made."

Since those wires lead to the attic, it's only logical that he should unload the entire storage space into the girls' bedroom and pull up the floor to get a better look...

...removing the insulation while he's at it.

Treading on those narrow beams can be rather tricky, so his wife might accidentally step through the lath and plaster, collapsing through the ceiling into the nursery below.

It will make a mess.  A big mess.

Dusting off the board books will remind the mother to check on the toddler, who was fortunately safe in her construction glasses.  Wearing the glasses will make the baby feel fashionable...

...so she will paint her toenails.  All by herself.

At this point, the Boy and his wife will call Grandma and Grandpa and beg them to whisk said baby and her siblings away for the rest of the weekend so that the boy can fix the holes in the ceiling, both downstairs...

...and up.  (Of course, not without accidentally ripping up a piece of the wall too.  Sigh!)

The newly repaired ceiling will remind the Boy that he needs to redo the subfloor in the upstairs bathroom so that water won't seep through again.

Removing the vanity will expose some drawings on the wall, reminding the Boy of his own little boy...

...and the unusual decor in his room.

Yanking out the tile will require yanking out the cupboard, which will reveal an entirely hidden and unknown finished space behind the tiled tub wall. 

Surprise!  Our future linen closet.

Speaking of surprises, the microwave will mysteriously decide to quit working in the midst of this chaos, requiring replacement.  The Boy will celebrate his renewed ability to reheat leftovers with an epic Peep battle.

The dueling Peep toothpicks will remind the Boy of nails, and chances are that if you give a Boy a nail, he's going to want a hammer to go with it.


Anonymous said...

Hey ... a new 115 year old home requires a make-over occasionally. You are all doing well -- except for the ceiling collapse in Annika's room. However, that too could have resulted in serious injury ... so count your blessings. Keep up the good work!

p.s. Annie's toe painting photo is a bit scary, please do not submit it to the child abuse hotline!

Callie said...

The fun never ends! So glad you married a handyman - I’m pretty sure Adam would just say “we’re moving!”
I’m also glad to see that Peep jousting is still alive and well since we forgot to buy peeps this year for our own battle.

Brittney Richards said...

The most impressive thing about all of this is that Jason knows how to do all of that, and despite the expense of replacement parts, it could have cost a fortune. Had it happened to me, I would have thrown in the towel and moved just like Callie said. Good job remodeling Jason.

Susie said...
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Susie said...

Thanks for the wonderful visual image of all that has been happening. Much more dramatic than my mental image was! Great post and one you WILL look back on and laugh about later. Your gift of expression is awesome, Kara. We got some good chuckles from reading this :)

steve and jessica said...

Such a well written post! It sounds like it was a crazy weekend and that you got a lot done!

Erin Gibbons said...

What a cleverly written post! And I agree, this is a post you'll look back on with fondness, if only for the picture of your foot hanging through the ceiling, because how often do you see a picture like that?! Thanks for sharing.