Friday, October 07, 2011

The Dangers of Running

Early this morning I set out for a short run in the dim, pre-dawn light. Feeling pretty smug about my dedication in getting out the door early (this is a rare occurrence), I was savoring the pink and orange hues of dawn breaking over the mountains when PAF!, I smacked down hard on all fours. Having misjudged the height of a curb, I ended up tearing a hole in my pants, bloodying my leg, skinning my palms, and even gouged my finger on my wedding ring.

Embarrassed by this ungraceful belly flop into the dirt, I turned over to nurse my wounds, only to bounce up with a yelp the moment I sat down. Apparently I'd landed in a pile of burrs. As I proceeded to pick the prickles from my popo, I decided once and for all that running is indeed a dangerous game.


Susie said...

I had a similar experience in Paris, only it was in broad daylight! I now have holes in the knees of a fairly new pair of pants. The good news? The bloodied knees and skinned hands did heal! Hope yours heal quickly.

Chou said...

Ah! Glad you're okay.

Julie L said...

Ouch! Way no fun.

Callie said...

The Andrus genes of grace and dignity strike again...

Brittney Richards said...

Ow!! I hope no one was watching. One time I was walking home from school at USU past the cemetary. An old man was also walking with a cane. I misjudged the curb, biffed it. Tore a huge hole in my new pants, bloodied my knee, skiffed up my hands, and the entire contents of my backpack went flying. The old man just smile and said, "that why I carry one of these," and held up his cane. I was only walking, can't imagine how embarrased I would have been had I been running. To make matters worse, I was probably talking to myself outloud - I used to do that all the time.

norma said...

So sorry about your fall. Which hurt worse - the blood & bruises, the torn clothes, or the pride?
When I've fallen, before checking for possible injuries, I always looked around fearing someone might have seen me! Aren't we funny sometimes? Hope there's no permanent damage!