While I'm generally not particularly attached to fish, Berry was a bit of a wonder. Not only did he survive the rollicking truck ride from Illinois to Utah, but several months ago he made an astonishing comeback from death's doorstep. (I'll spare you the morbid details, but let's just say that for three months nothing Berry ate came out. The poor fish was nearly wider than he was long!)
After Berry's miracle recovery, I thought he might be destined to join our family indefinitely. This afternoon, however, I sensed that something was wrong. Now let's be honest; I'm usually not remarkably in tune with my betta's vibes. However, when your fish audibly thrashes before slowly sinking to the bottom of the tank, be warned.
Disturbed by Berry's strange behavior, I mentioned to my Mom that I wished he would just move on so I wouldn't have to watch him suffer. An hour later, he was gone.
So now I feel guilty. When I wished that Berry would die, I didn't mean that very moment! It feels like I pushed the poor fish into his porcelain grave.
And so Berry, I want you to know that you were good and faithful, as far as fish go. We were glad to have you in our family, and wish you many happy nibbles in the life beyond. As for myself, I solemnly promise never to wish anyone or anything dead ever again!
He really did have a good, long life. He did much better than the two we'd had at our house! I'm sure the kids will be begging for a replacement before long!
I'm impressed with how long Berry lasted. He was a good fish - never really put up a fuss.
Sorry for your loss. May Berry rest in Betta heaven.
Several lessons can be learned from Berry. Among them are these:
"Am I a big fish in a small bowl, or a small fish in a big bowl? I really have no benchmarks to guide me."
"Excuse me, I may look small, but I moved at least 2000 miles last summer."
"Constipation? ... get over it, I did."
"You complain that your house mortgage is underwater. Get a life, I've never known anything else."
"Changing the water in my bowl is a bit like changing Eli's diaper ... it doesn't permanently solve anything, but it sure makes life more pleasant for awhile."
Love the lessons learned! It may seem silly, but every fish we've ever owned really had its own personality, and I did actually become attached to the little things. That's why they're called pets. Even if they are fish. So I do empathize with your emotions and though I am rather certain your wish is not what brought about his demise, I am sorry for your tiny loss. Tiny things can still have giant impacts.
I almost teared up reading about poor Berry. May he swim peacefully in the giant fishbowl in the sky.
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