What an incredible weekend!
After countless hours of researching, conceptualizing, sketching, modeling, and overall
creating, Jason presented his Master's thesis project at his final design review on Friday.

It was fabulous. I know, because I had the privilege of being there, along with my Dad, Brooklyn, and our good friend Bruce. (Thanks, NomiAnn, for babysitting, especially on your birthday.) Here's my Dad, studying the boards.

In general, design reviews are notorious for their harsh criticism. Jason, however, diligently worked and reworked his project all year. This consistent effort, combined with his artistic touch, resulted in some very positive feedback. Way to go, honey. You deserve all that praise--and more.
As much as we wanted to celebrate Friday evening, we forced ourselves to bed early in preparation for the next day's race. (Well, Jason didn't complain
too much about going to bed, especially considering the two hours of sleep he got the night previously. Believe it or not, two hours is actually much more sleep than he usually gets the night before a review. Three cheers for graduation--I just may get my husband back!)
With loving parents around to play with the grandkids, the race was almost like a date (except for the sweat and pain and crowds and Gatorade and Gu). Here are Jason and I waiting for the Illinois Marathon to officially begin.

And here I am again, 13.1 miles (and some cool-down time) later. Oh, it felt so wonderful to be finished!

Jason, meanwhile, was still pounding the pavement. We ran the first mile of the race together before he took off with his running partner. Around mile ten we joined up again briefly for a chat and a running smooch (not recommended--it's awkward and you might chip a tooth). Then it was time to separate, and I finished my race alone. As happy as I was to be done, I remember feeling slightly empty. For the next two hours I was distracted, wondering where my honey was and how he was doing. What a THRILL it was, however, to see him stride out into the stadium. I felt so overcome with love and joy. Truly, it was an emotional experience.
I wish I had a picture of his stadium finish, but unfortunately I don't. In some ways, it might be better to keep the picture safe in my memory. I don't know if any lens could do the moment justice. Envision all the pride that comes from having the stamina and drive to accomplish something so impossibly difficult, and mix it with the strength of character that comes from achieving this goal with a friend. Seven and a half years ago, I watched Jason finish his first marathon just as we started dating. He blew me a kiss as he crossed the finish line, and I suspected I might really be in love. Well, I know I am now.
While I may have been waiting on pins and needles for Jason to finish running, the girls were too busy having the time of their lives to notice that he was gone. Grandparents have the privilege of unabashedly spoiling their grandkids with such treats as unlimited rides on the inflatables. I thought I was going to have a heart attack just watching their antics, but they had a riot. Luckily, no one was injured (although you can hear me panic in this clip).
As if bouncing yourself silly isn't enough fun, Talia found my camera and started shooting random videos while we were waiting for Jason to finish. Here's her debut in film-making: (BTW, the kid shrieking "Mom" in the background isn't ours.)
To top off the adventure, the girls ran the youth race in the afternoon. Brooklyn likes to make silly faces by sticking her tongue through the gap in her mouth that is now
two teeth wide. Yup, the tooth fairy has visited again.

Talia, on the other hand, prefers sticking her tongue on the metal fence. Yuck! (And what kind of mother would grab a camera instead of telling her to stop.)

Race bibs and T-shirts--how official!

And here's stiff-legged Jason, slowly working his way across the stadium to be reunited with his family.

Eli was certainly happy to see him.

Of course, Eli is usually happy to see just about anybody.

On your marks, get set,

A family of champions. :)

Add a trip to The Beef House in Indiana for a fantastic dinner with some take-home rolls, and you have a fabulous finish to an amazing day.