Time discovered missing: April 11, 2010, 8:57 pm CST
If recovered, please notify the tooth fairy immediately. The rightful owner would like to swap for a couple shining quarters.
Well, it happened. After several days of ceaseless wiggling, Brooklyn finally lost her first tooth (with a bit of help from her Dad.) She was positively ecstatic, and insisted on calling both sets of grandparents immediately to share the news.
Jason and I are happy as well because Brooklyn is now on her fourth consecutive night without a binky. I never believed it could happen, but I think she's actually given it up. Bedtimes are still challenging, but she's trying really hard to settle down without it. After her first night of success, she bounded into our room in the morning with gleeful shouts of "I did it!" We went to the store that morning to pick out a special toy as a reward, but didn't actually go back and purchase it until she had conquered three nights in a row. Our trip to purchase her gift was a very rewarding experience since she was so genuinely excited about and grateful for her present. It's amazing how much more we value those things that we have to work for. Brooklyn chose a Baby Alive doll that can drink water from a sippy cup. Naturally, just as with real children, the water passes right through. Just what we need around our house--more diapers.
Our next challenge to conquer is Talia's trademark thumbsucking/Napoleon pose. Thumbs are definitely more attached than pacifiers, so let us know if you have any recommendations.
And, just for kicks, here are a few pictures that we took before church today.
Eli says, "Enough with the kissing already."
Thanks for the beautiful dresses, NomiAnn!
What wonderful springtime pictures!
Look at that green grass! And sunshine! What a wonderful accomplishment, Brooklyn. Congratulations! As for the thumb, you'll have to ask Jason. He's an expert! Thanks for the darling pictures!
Your girls are just the cutest...well and Eli. Congradulations Brooklyn on making it 4 nights so far.
Oh those girls! They really are so adorable. Yay for no binki!!! That's huge!
Wow they are so cute!
Beautiful colors for a beautiful collection of smiles! Yay for the tooth, Brooklyn!
So adorable, those Family pictures could be professional! You should totally frame some of them they're so pretty!
Hi Kara, if you remember me from high school days. I saw your blog address on your facebook page and have enjoyed reading through it.
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