Monday, March 31, 2008

Book Tag

Tag, I'm it! My book-club pal Jackie posted the challenge, so here goes...

1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Turn to page 123.
3. Post the fifth sentence.

Drumroll please, this is gonna be a thriller...

"They are therefore unlike the formulaic essays often assigned in English composition courses."

Yup, that's it. Quote taken directly from the fascinating and intriguing textbook, "Teaching ESL Composition." Let's just say this book is a little intellectually-challenged. Honestly, I can't figure out how they managed to publish it. Even at its most profound, all I can say is "duh." I'm just glad that I borrowed it from Interlibrary Loan instead of paying sixty bucks for it. Tag me again in a month when I'm done with classes and my comprehensive exams, and you might get a more exciting sentence. :)

So who to tag next... Brittney, Bruce, and Brianna, you're it!
(I'd tag Brooklyn too, but she's not up to page 123 yet...)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Sunday!

Here are a few cute shots of the girls in their beautiful Easter Sunday dresses. As you can see, Talia was feeling a bit camera-shy, whereas Brooklyn definitely was not. Thanks Nomi-Ann, for dressing our daughters like the princesses they are!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Crossin' the Mighty Mississip'

Growing up in the Andrus family, we had our share of unique family traditions, a.k.a. quirks. It's not every family that concludes family prayer with a chant of "one two, I love you" (Callie's version) or "One two three, I love thee" (Kara's never-to-be-outdone rendition.) However, few traditions bring back memories as vivid as those connected with crossing the Mighty Mississippi during our many minivan marathons. You always knew when you were crossing those muddy waters because the whole vehicle erupted into spontaneous song about how it was "a treat to put your feet on the Mississippi Mud," immediately followed by soul-felt soliloquies to the barges "flickering light."

This past weekend we were fortunate enought to relive some of my childhood memories by traveling to St. Louis with our friends Bruce and Brittney. It was so fun to lie on the green grass and gaze up the white Arch silhoutted against a bright blue sky. The arch was still as tall and grand as I remembered from my field trips there as a Brownie scout, with the cars still appearing just as tiny from the top. I hope that someday my own girls will come back with their children and reminisce about their quirky parents, passing the traditions on to even more generations.

Oh, and in case anybody wondered whether or not the Mississippi is any higher than usual, the last picture is worth a thousand words...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Top o' the Mornin'!

Top o' the Mornin' to y'all! (That's my Irish-southern drawl-brogue coming out.) I thought I'd share a few pictures from our first annual St. Patty's Day Dinner. Between the shamrock jello, green Irish soda bread, and tinted green hair, it was an experience we won't forget. While Brooklyn had fun decorating her own head, and Jason had a blast painting Talia's, I was a bit relieved when the green paint came out of the girls' hair. As a pre-teen, I unintentionally dyed my hair green by spending too much time in the swimming pool. Our family moved at the same time, forcing me to start junior high at a new school with garbage-green hair. Needless to say, it was rather traumatic... If only it'd been St. Patty's Day!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What's Wrong With This Picture?

The other night we bathed both of the girls, then got Talia out and put her in her snuggly jammies. Shortly thereafter, Jason and I looked around and said, "where'd Talia go?" When we found her, we figured out that she wasn't done with bathtime yet. She may not talk yet, but she sure communicates!