Sunday, February 16, 2025

Living with Intention

In 2004 Tim McGraw produced a song, "Live Like You Were Dying."  I'm guessing you'd recognize the chorus: "I went skydiving, I went Rocky Mountain Climbing, I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fumanchu."

While we didn't speak openly of it, the days before Annika was admitted to the hospital felt like we were living on borrowed time.  Take a moment to think about it: if you had one last day to spend with your original heart, how would you spend it?  I just asked Jason and he came up with an answer right away: eating pizza.

As for Annika, she wanted to spend her day with animals, all the animals.  We began by going to visit Pickles for a spell.  Annika needed puppy snuggles.

Then we headed up to SeaQuest aquarium in Layton, even though Annika had been there twice recently.  There was no place else Annika wanted to be more, so how could I refuse?  On our way in, we stopped to take a Christmas photo.

The great thing about visiting Seaquest on a week day is that the place is empty.  Annika got so much attention from both the animals and the employees.  This was the first time we had the chance to meet their sweet armadillo.

We also splurged on an animal encounter with Quilliam, the porcupine.  Quilliam is such a gentle soul!  Still, I did end up with one finger poke because petting a porcupine has its risks.

While we didn't purchase any tokens, one of the employees gave Annika a dozen after Annika told her that she was headed to the hospital in a few hours to get a heart transplant.  Yup, that's a conversation stopper!  The upside is that Annika got to feed all the animals and loved it.

She even got to hold a tarantula.  The woman helping Annika recently had heart surgery, so she gave Annika all sorts of tips.  

The tortoises like lettuce.

As for the prairie dogs, the chubby one has figured out how to put his mouth right over the feeder so that he gets first dibs on the snacks.

The giant sturgeon and are super gentle as they suck the food out of your hand.   On the other hand, the small bass that share the tank are a little feisty and will nip you if you are not careful.

Annika even had enough tokens to indulge in a fishy pedicure.  It was definitely a day for pampering.

While SeaQuest was fun, Annika shouldn'tt pet the animals there for a while because of the risk of salmonella.  She already misses our excursions there, as do I.  Except for the eels.  Don't miss them at all.

We were supposed to check into the hospital around 2:00, but figured there was not giant rush.  Here's Annika indulging in an amazing grilled mozzarella, tomato and pesto sandwich at 1:45.  Worth it!

And here's the very next picture on the photo roll, taken an hour and a half later.  How quickly things change!

I'm grateful that unlike Tim McGraw's song, we never had to Live Like We Were Dying.  We walked into the hospital with prayers that Annika would leave with the ability to do more and live better.  And she is!  Still, I'm glad we had the chance to live our best lives with intention.

Omaha Thanksgiving 2024

Back to blog catch-up, a road trip to Omaha was the the last major item on our bucket list before checking Annika into the hospital for her long-term stay.  In begging her cardiology team for permission to leave the hospital, we told them how much we really wanted to spend Thanksgiving with family.  We may not have specified where "family" was at the need to make anyone nervous. However our discharge instructions were for Annika to take it easy.  I figured strapping her into a seat belt for 14 hours was pretty effective cardio rest.  Plus once we got to Omaha, we would be near a Children's Hospital that rivals Primary's for excellence.

But first, we had to make it across than Wyoming.  Due to snow storms all across the state, this was more challenging than we would have liked.  We were grateful not to be traveling the opposite direction until we learned that the interstate was closed a mile up ahead in our direction as well, so we would have to turn around.

Rather than idle in the car, we got off at the nearest exit, found a Mexican restaurant, and ordered virgin margaritas.  Sometimes you have to take the edge off, you know?

Fortunately I-80 reopened a couple hours later and we were able to continue on our journey.  It was late by the time we arrived, but felt so good to pull up to Capitol Avenue.  My parents have plans to move to Salt Lake over the summer, so this may have been our last road trip there, at least with everyone.

In the morning light I could enjoy all of the lovely Thanksgiving decorations.

The cousins were excited to gather and play with both their toys and Pickles.

Taking Pickles for a morning run, followed by snuggle time.

A close up of Annika's pretty Thanksgiving nails, courtesy of Berkeley once more.

Later that day we bundled up and went to play at the new park down on the Omaha riverfront.  I don't think the pictures require much explanation.  While chilly, fun was had by all.

When dogs aren't allowed on the playground, you just pack a pooch, cover up in a blankie, and pretend you are pregnant.  With this "ground is lava" approach, Pickles technically never touched the play area.

Swing time!

Finishing up with a brilliant Wilhoit family photo shoot.  To quote their Christmas card, "Well, we tried!"

You know, it's funny, but our family hasn't taken very many family photos since Brooklyn left for her mission.  It just feels a little incomplete without her there.  But hey Brooklyn, we put a glass out in your honor for Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving dinner was just as delightful as you might imagine.  Thank you, NomiAnn!

In coming to Omaha, one of my main requests (per usual) was a trip to the Henry Doorly Zoo.  I'm going to miss our semi-annual pilgrimages to this amazing place!  It's particularly fun when all the ZooLight decorations are out.

Warming up in the Lied Jungle.

We learned that it actually costs the zoo more to feed their bats than any other animal!

Gotta love a baby hippo.

Meanwhile we have Anders and Eila hanging with the baby elephants and orangutans.

Speaking of orangutans, I don't know who enjoyed making faces more--the humans or the apes.

We knew that Annika might struggle walking long distances in the zoo, particularly uphill, so we brought a wagon.  Anders enjoyed hitching a ride as well.

With crazy hair like that, the zoo might adopt you as one of their own, Sir Eli!  Great smile, by the way.

Enjoying the desert dome, followed by the aquarium.

A Zoolightful day for sure!  

On the way out, Talia decided she wanted a ride too.  Fortunately for her, the men in her life obliged.  It's not every 18 year-old that gets to hang out on her Daddy's shoulders!

Just like the old days.

Back in West Omaha, it was Tickle Time!

At her last visit Annika told her doctor that she is teaching Zion to give kisses.  Her doc then suggested that perhaps she not.  Can't imagine why...

Wolves are Annika's newest obsession, so they get drawn often.  Annie even wrote a persuasive letter to the mayor proposing the reintroduction of wolves here in Salt Lake City.  Not sure that will gain much traction, but I appreciate the initiative.

While at my parents I went through lots of old papers and keepsakes.  About time I took care of my own stuff!  Here are some forgotten treasures that I took photos of before parting ways.  A medal for being an Omaha World Herald Scholar.

Stamps from China, given to me by a lovely woman on my mission named Sherry.

My mission plaque.  Washington DC South, Vietnamese Speaking, February 2000-September 2001.  I extended by six weeks and was scheduled to arrive home September 12th but didn't make it back until a week later because all the planes were grounded after 9-11.

A picture of our show choir from my high school year book.  I'm the shortest one right in the middle of the photo.  Our current bishop isn't in the photo, but his brother is!

Snuggle time with NomiAnn on the couch.  Poor Talia looks excluded.

The manly couch, followed by sleepy time.

Pickley joy and a cozy hideout.

Encouraging Anders to see if he likes the soup via blind taste test.

Carols around the piano--my favorite way to welcome the Christmas season.

Other fun moments--bowling and an inflatable display, followed by yummy bowls at a local Hibachi grill.

We went to see Wicked in the theaters--everyone loved it!

Uh oh, looks like someone is in puppy timeout...

Kind of a blurry photo, but  on our last night we invited our friends the Holyoaks and the Van Dams over to eat pie and play games.  So fun!

Then before we knew it, we were on our way home.  The drive back was smooth and uneventful with dry roads the whole way.  Yay!

The next morning we took a few pictures in front of the tree before Talia and Eli left for school.  We all knew that by the time they got home, Annika would be checked into the hospital.

We weren't in Omaha long, but we sure squeezed a lot of memory-making into a few days.  Thank you so much for welcoming us, NomiAnn and Papa Kay!  We are so grateful for you.