Sunday, January 12, 2025

Hermana Wheeler en España--Weeks 21-27

Even though we still have lots of appointments, including a catherization tomorrow, I'm glad to be wrapping up Annika's time at Primary Children's, both in person and on the blog. As impactful as Annika's heart journey has been, I don't want it to be the defining feature for either her or our family.

Yesterday I teared up in the car just thinking about how much I miss my daughter. As Talia so accurately summed up, our family just doesn't feel complete without Brooklyn. I think Annika is starting to realize how strange the house will feel when Talia leaves for college too. Yesterday she told Talia that if she stays home instead of going away to school, she can be the favorite sister. Fighting words indeed! From the moment Annika was born, Brooklyn made it her special mission to ensure that she was the favorite.

Better come home and defend your title, Buttermilk! Or at least come home for Christmas. ❤

I've done an abominable job catching this blog up on Brooklyn's weekly emails. So I think I'm going to skip ahead and share weeks 21 up through the present. I'll fill in weeks 11-20 later.


Week 21: Ganas

Hey everyone!!!
Welcome to the email that you very nearly avoided receiving because I was extremely busy covering empty boxes in wrapping paper to place under the Christmas tree I spent all day buying, setting up, and decorating. However, I have run out of decorations to procrastinate with so here we are in the last five minutes of P-Day writing this email instead of doing laundry.

Well, despite the Madrid bus system's best efforts to keep me in Leganés by prohibiting my companion and I from getting on the 491 with all our material possessions in tow (honestly fair, we were a little out of control) I made it to Logroño!!! It's absolutely gorgeous, and I'm loving being in the shadow of the mountains again. I desperately miss quad life, but my new companion Hermana Leal has enough personality to nearly make up for it. Our apartment is huge (I have my own bathroom for the first time in my entire life), the ward is incredible, and it's been so fun to meet some people who really want to grow closer to Christ.

All this change is giving me "ganas." Ganas doesn't have a great translation, but it basically means drive. Right now I have so much motivation to improve and be the kind of missionary God wants me to be. How exactly to do that I still don't know but I'm so excited to do everything I can to magnify His work where I am.

Wishing all the best, and Merry Christmas!!!
Hermana Wheeler


Week 22: Fieles

Happy Thanksgiving to all the estadounidenses in the audience!!!

Unfortunately here in Spain there is significantly more Black Friday than there is thanksgiving. However, I think that just means it's especially important to count our blessings and recognize all the incredible gifts God has given us. For starters, as consistent with last week's email, I'm grateful for the silver lining of getting to decorate for Christmas earlier.

This week was so awesome in so many ways! I got to visit Bilbao for the first time (I have no words, google it) for exchanges. The sister training leaders (STLs) live approximately 2 minutes from the Guggenheim museum which meant that for our annual turkey trot (or as we're prone to say, Wheeler Wobble) I ran past it. The riverwalk is gorgeous and it was fun to see a little piece of the city.

We also had six people at church this Sunday which was incredible! It makes me so happy that six of our friends were able to participate in the sacrament and feel the spirit that's so strong there. Part of our area is this little town called Soria that's about 2 hours away, and we got to go visit for their small sacrament meeting yesterday evening. There are around 20 members in the area, but they're all women so in the past they were only to take the sacrament twice a month when the missionaries or other priesthood holders in Logroño traveled to visit. However, recently two teenaged boys were baptized and ordained so for the first time they'll be able to have the sacrament every week!

Despite the plethora of miracles this week, I had a few really hard moments. Something that helped me was this verse I read, 1 Nephi 7:12.

"Yea, and how is it that ye have forgotten that the Lord is able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him? Wherefore, let us be faithful to him"

Sometimes I forget to have faith that God really is involved in every aspect of this work, including my own personal journey of conversion and discipleship. I want to be more grateful and more true to Him in the trying times. As this verse says, "seámosle fieles". Let us be the "faithful" who trust and are immovable in our conviction of God's plan for our happiness.

I'm so grateful for all of you this week!!
Hna Wheeler


Week 23: Cuentos

Hi everyone! What's up with y'all? To everyone who's been reading these emails for 23 weeks, thanks for sticking with me!

This week's word is cuentos, which means stories. With that in mind, here are some stories from this week.

1. Surprise!!
This story starts last Monday when Hermana Leal decided to make a carrot cake. I tend to snack over weekly planning, so I ate approximately half of it that night. I ate the rest the next morning before going to a member meal (rookie mistake). The members served us a really delicious soup and I was actually feeling not totally sick. We were about to share our lesson when they pulled out the main course. Imagine my delight to find out I was duty-bound to eat a heaper plate of rice and cow liver dressed with onions. The members are amazing though so it's okay.

2. Hermana Welher
Last week we started teaching this woman named Claudia, and she brought both her daughter and son with her to church. We visited them this week, and the 6 year old boy Anthony gave me a drawing. He knew I was obsessed with Christmas, so he drew me a Christmas picture with a portrait of me adressed to Hermana Welher on the back.

3. Sandwiches
We went back to Soria (cute town 2 hours away) on Saturday and through a series of unfortunate events I ended up eating 3 different ham and cheese sandwiches in 3 different appointments (almost, we bought the first ones but still).

4. A modern-day tragedy
Turns out I like running now. My whole family is cackling maniacally.

Lastly, I just wanted to remind you all this month to remember the Christmas story that matters most of all! The birth of Christ is such a miracle and it's amazing that we have this opportunity to celebrate and ponder on it every year. Love you all so much!!!

Hna Wheeler

P.S. Sorry if I didn't respond to your email this week!! P-day has been absolutely bonkers.


Week 24: Cumplir

Hey everyone!!! I really hope all of you are enjoying this Christmas season as much as I am.

At the risk of taking the obvious answer, today's word of the week is cumplir, which more or less means to fulfill or accomplish. This week we saw so many miracles as we worked to cumplir con nuestras metas, or accomplish our goals!!

This week started totally insane. We were up bright and early Monday morning to head to Bilbao for Zone P-Day, the highlight of which was an American Christmas-style dinner complete with cranberry sauce for the pork (my brazilian comp was not a fan). Interviews with President and Hermana Eastland were lovely as always. I'm so grateful for their love, direction, and inspiration.

Unfortunately we were not up quite as bright and early the next day because both Hna Leal and I ignored promptings to double-check our alarms. Miraculously, we woke with just enough time to make it to Zone Conference and sneak in a little breakfast before it started. I felt so strongly that the training we recieved there was a direct answer to my prayers.

I was a little nervous at the beginning of the week that we wouldn't be able to meet our goals because we spent so much time out of our area, but God definitely worked with us as we got outside of our comfort zone and did hard things. We got to go whiteboarding and talk to everyone and their dog about Christmas, help one of our sweet friends choose a date to be baptized, and have amazing member support in lessons and at a very fun Christmas-themed treasure hunt activity.

God knows each and every one of us individually, and he sees our potential far better than we do. He wants us to be happy and to be able to accomplish all we can in this life. Sometimes His support has super visible results and sometimes it's subtler, but He is always with us. I invite you all to look for His love this week.

You're amazing!!
Hna Wheeler

(ps. apparently I like Christmas trees because these are basically the only photos in my camera roll lol)


Week 25: Luz
Merry Christmas everyone!!!

I hope you are all adequately stuffed to the seams and surrounded by oceans of torn wrapping paper, or at least listening to some Pentatonix in my honor. Hermana Leal is a self-proclaimed grinch (although growing more festive by the day ) which I think makes me Buddy the Elf in this companionship. I LOVE Christmas. It's probably my favorite day (and season) of the year. I love the food, the atmosphere, the music, and especially just celebrating with family. This December 25th is a little bittersweet, being the first I've spent away from home, but something that always lifts my spirits is seeing the lights.

Maybe having the word of the week be "luz", meaning "light", on Christmas is a little cliché, but to be totally honest I've been saving it since the MTC. There are so many connections between light and Christmas that I've been pondering this week. From the church's Light the World campaign to Christmas trees to the star of Bethlehem, we are surround by light right now, and I'll probably leave you all to think about light on your own. The only thought I want to share is this:

John 14
5. Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
6. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the way, the truth, and the light. Like a lighthouse, he shows us how to get back to the Father when we are surrounded by fog and darkness. Since most of us will have a hard time getting to the stable in Bethlehem, I invite all of you to "go with haste" (Luke 2:16) unto Christ in the temple. There, He will help you come unto your Heavenly Father and give you additional light for your own life.

Christ loves you. He lives today, just as surely as He did that day so long ago. Don't forget to bring Him a gift like the wise men and sing His praise like the angels. He was born for you now, whether Christmas is joyous or painful. He never leaves us on our own.

Love you all!!
Hna Wheeler


Week 26: Instrumento

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope all of your celebrations were splendid (although if they didn't include eating 12 grapes as the clock struck midnight you're doing it wrong).

In this head-spinning time of (hopefully not empty) promises, commitments, and short-lived gym memberships I decided that this year, my resolution is going to be a scripture.

Alma 29:9
I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.

This scripture caught my attention this week when one of our friends told us how she had randomly flipped open to this page and read it with her son when he was acting up. I loved the word "instrumento," which, surprise surprise, means instrument. We can be more than just objects, or even tools. To God, we are instruments.

I'm a cellist, and what that has taught me about instruments is that every one is unique. They are protected, cared for, and treasured. No orchestra is complete without each instrument. They need frequent tuning and occasionally repair, but they are loved and absolutely essential to the music they play.

This year, I want to be an instrument. I want to glory in God, glory in the privilege to participate in this work, and remember to have joy. That is, after all, why we're here (2 Ne 2:25).

I love you all so much and hope you can find the joy!!
Hna Wheeler


Week 27: Nuevo

Hi everyone!! Happy new year!

On that note, nuevo = new.

I know, I know, these have been super predictable lately but I probably will only get one new year's day on my mission so I had to seize the opportunity. We also got transfer news again, and my new companion will be Hermana Ladeira!! I'm pretty sure God wants me to learn portuguese, and since I failed with Hna Leal He's giving me another chance with a comp from Portugal.

Despite all these very new-themed events, what I want to talk about today is repentance. January 6th is three kings day in Spain, when they celebrate the wise men arriving to give gifts to Jesus (and well-behaved children). To many kids here, it's better than Christmas. I am SO grateful for the gift of the atonement. It's better than Legos and jewelry and the new watch to replace the one that goes off an hour early every morning because it's still stuck in daylight savings time and even a hand-crocheted sweater in a ridiculously expensive international package. The atonement makes us new. It's not the new year that lets us start over, it's repentance.

2nd Corinthians 5:17 reads, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." When we repent and make covenants with God, we are "in Christ" and He forgives us for all of the old things that weigh us down and hold us back. I re-listened to a BYU devotional by Elder Holland today called "Remember Lot's Wife," and I highly recommend it. Through Christ we can move forward with faith, trust, and confidence that God will take us where we need to go.

Don't look back!
Hermana Wheeler

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Christmas Collage

As much as I wished that we could be home for the holidays, our Christmas at Primary Children's was still lovely.  This sweet sign was made by Annika's Primary friends and teachers.  What a cheery sight to greet us!

This ice sculpture outside of the playroom was fun as well.  I suspect it got sculpted while we were in the ICU, but started to melt quickly given the warmer temps.

Giving gifts is just as fun as receiving them, so we made some snowflakes to share.  I was pretty proud of my snowmen and trees.

Even more impressive is Talia's creation.  Can you spot the stormtroopers?

Annika got an early Christmas present from the Ronald McDonald Room on Christmas Eve.  While the packages were wrapped, this one said "Pony" on the outside, so she knew it would be something that she would love.

Annie also loved the food we brought food back for her.

Spending time with family was just as much of a treat.  We were only allowed two visitors in her room at a time so we met in the lobby.

That evening Annika and I ate sushi for Christmas dinner while everyone else ate at the cabin.

Falling asleep on Christmas Eve is never easy, but traditions help.   We read Luke 2, the Night Before Christmas, and Jabez Dawes, just like we would at home.  Annika was a little distressed that we hadn't left cookies and milk for Santa, but I assured her that it would be okay.

December 25th.  Merry Christmas!

Santa filled our stockings and brought gifts for the entire family!  Thanks to the town of Fairfield, there were extra special surprises under our paper tree.  I still feel so humbled and grateful for all this love from people we've never met.

Squishmallows and sushi.  Someone knows our Annika!

Whatever could be in this package?

Talia was ecstatic about her Chucks.

Legos for the win as well!  Always.

Out of her many packages, I think Annika has been most excited about her ant farm.  After all, the doctors never told her that she couldn't have ants!

Rubiks cubes, Owala water bottes and art supplies.  What a great Christmas!

We slipped away from our room for a little while to listen to the beautiful Christmas caroling.  This family is amazing.  They work in the School Zone and provide the music for Primary Children's sacrament service every week.  Plus, they provide expert advice on 3D printing as well.  

Santa stopped by as well.

Best of all, the Wheelers came that evening so that we could enjoy Christmas dinner and open presents together.  Annie was so very happy to see Ruby again!

Naturally there was pie--all the pies!

We didn't take any group pictures since we were trying to social distance but Justin, Brianna, Ruby, Violet, Christy, Ben, Lance, Austin, Charles, and Susie were all there.

Amazing look, Eli!  The ski tie suits you particularly well.  

December 26-27th.  I don't have very many pictures from our final days at Primary Children's.  I was mostly focused on moving on and getting home.  I did snap this photo of our first time filling Annika's pillbox.  That's a lot of medicine!

Child Life brought by this delightful Little Mermaid Lego set.  I think I was even more charmed than Annie.

Annika had her first post-transplant biopsy and catheterization.  She handled it beautifully and everything looked great with heart. Annie enjoyed breaking up with her IV pole Steven as well.  Theirs was a close relationship, but thankfully it didn't last long.

Saturday, December 28th.  Annika walks out of Primary Children's Hospital at noon, just 26 days after walking in.  While an outsider might think that she looks the same, inside she is very much changed.

As she left, she carried a tiny poinsettia that she rescued.  When she first found the abandoned plant, its leaves were all wilted and drooping.  As she brought it into her room, the nurse commented on how she wasn't sure that it could survive.  Well, Annika watered that little plant, placed it by the window, and named it Hope.  By the time we left, Hope was thriving...
...and Annika was too.

Whether your holidays were challenging and fraught or shining and bright, we wish you Hope to light your way into the New Year.  Merry Christmas.